
While I agree with you (I like puns as much as the next guy, but that was basically their only source of humor in this episode), I disagree about this example. I don't think the joke would have worked if he didn't say RED herring.


If you like puns, apparently this is the show for you. HOW MANY PUNS CAN THEY SQUEEZE INTO 24 MINUTES?!
A: Many puns.

Most modern horror movies just use one quick throwaway line to get around this, which is fine, because everyone in the audiences understand that they have to cut the cell phones somehow. Usually it's "Oh, we get no reception here," and they move on. I'd be fine if a horror movie just flashed text at the beginning that

Yeah, the scene where the brothers were watching the old tape and the girl was explaining what was happening to them in real time was fantastic (especially when the little girl in the present sneezed and the little girl in the video said "bless you"). They needed more of this.

Man, now I wish I remembered the ending of that one.

I've said this before, but I really think it's more of an age thing than generational. People in their 20's are at a much different point in their lives than people in their 40's. It seems like the same things are always said about different generations when they're in different phases of their lives.

AHS is the king of over-explaining.

If my name started with an R, I wouldn't have agreed to join the season just in case.

I wondered if she'd show up as Zoe from Coven. I don't know how that would work, but it crossed my mind. It would make more sense if she had ended up as the new supreme at the end of season 3 though.

KC, you feelin' me, right? Ooooooooh yeaaaaaheyeahhhhh!

This part confused me because I didn't believe Gloria. I thought she was just messing with Jay or something by pretending she couldn't talk her "normal" way.

How about this: If you fumble through the end zone, you do not lose the ball, but you get it at the opponent's 20 yard line. You're still punished for fumbling through the end zone, but it makes a little more sense.

There were spaces already laid out. So they knew the number of letters that each word had to be. Their strategy made more sense than the other tribe's.

Wow, I'm completely opposite here. I can't get into season 2 at all.

Really?! She called him Ben? That's fantastic. I'll have to go back and watch that again.

You must not have seen him in the 2004 hit Sleepover. It doesn't get much higher quality than that!

Great Scott! That's impossible!!

He was phenomenal in Superbad. People don't forget.

Wow, I just rewatched Neighbors the other night and I complained the whole time about how bad he is. He's not believable! I cannot stand him in that! He was slightly better in the sequel, however.