

It's a damn shame. It's basically just Kohls, Staples, Younkers and Victoria's Secret now. Sears and JC Penny are gone, Finish Line is gone, American Eagle is gone, Aeropostle is gone, the cinema is gone. However, it's a great mall to go to if you are in need of a new piano or a tuxedo. Or an Asian manicure.

The Forest Mall in Fond du Lac, WI doesn't even qualify as a mall anymore. It's a ghost town.

Still waiting on American Horror Story: Wal-Mart

I saw him do stand up live two or three years ago, and DAMN was he awful! He wasn't very funny, and his jokes were all nasty.

Then I must be the only one confused about why The A.V. Club writers are so obsessed with the opening credits of Stranger Things. "…not skipping the opening credits… actively flipping back to watch them over and over again". I'm pretty sure I've skipped the opening credits for every episode after the first one, and I

As a resident of Oshkosh, seeing these references makes me happy.

Yeah, but at least I can find something more entertaining after my Netflix surfing. On cable, I just end up watching reruns of Frasier, so can I count that 30 minutes as wasted time?

Yep, and the victim is going to be Judy King. She wasn't placed in the middle by accident.

I think it's a good way to jump-start her new, more important arc going into next season, where she'll undoubtedly be featured more than in season 4.

I can't help but expect Judy King's presence to be a big part of this at the beginning of next season. The illegal post-dating of her release seals it. It's only a matter of how she'll be involved. Perhaps she'll accidentally get shot because someone tries to stop Daya. Perhaps she'll take the gun and cap Humps

Yeah, Evil Lincoln should do a season-long character pairing ranking (If he hasn't already).

Isn't the small number of guards a little strange to begin with? It's not just limited to season 4, but ESPECIALLY now with all of the new inmates that were brought in. I can't remember the number exactly, but in the premiere this season they were doing a count to make sure they got all of the inmates back, and I

Man, this is why AV Club comments are the best. If you go on, say, Yahoo, you just described 98% of all comments.

…Has nobody told you yet? Slash isn't real.

That is so funny you say that. I thought I was the only one. I liked Jim in the first two seasons or so, but then I started to realize he's a huge dick, especially to Dwight. The script completely flipped for me and I became Team-Dwight. It's like that moment when you re-watch Tom & Jerry as an adult and all you see

It was, and it was because they basically tried a hard reset. They added "New Jim & Dwight" to go along with their already added New-Pam receptionist.

I didn't like DeAngelo the first time I watched either, but he's much funnier in re-watches when you're not too focused on the storylines.

I completely disagree. The show fell off a cliff post-Michael Scott.