
"And a side salad. If the salad is on top, I send it back."

Season 4 is fantastic! Clearly people are overlooking how great corporate, drugged-out Ryan was.

My main takeaway was that I wish I knew what Shake Shack is. Damn you, Wisconsin!

Perhaps that's why the guard is doing this. He overheard her talking about it and making what should clearly be the wrong choice. He just wants to prove her wrong.

Your ranking of Alex-Piper as #1 despite your disdain has skyrocketed your credibility and cemented your position as the unofficial official AV Club OITNB Character Pairings Ranker.

"Everybody's gonna say something. I'd be worried if they said nothing."
-Kanye West, The Life of Pablo, 2016

Not to mention that the video is for the song with her name in it.

I know that; I meant that I don't remember many of their pre-prison stories and why people got arrested.

I don't know how, but I read this as "I'll amend my own comment on my mixtape."

I agree that they totally nailed the casting, but I wondered how necessary it was. I thought Lori Petty could have done a serviceable job, especially since she had hair in the flashback that would have helped disguise her actual age.

The mysterious pooper plot goes back even farther. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia did it back in 2008 before Bob's Burgers even existed. And I'm sure there's plenty of other pooper plotters out there as well.

This is exactly why I love the internet. There's always SOMEONE out there who will google "Red" just to see how accurate the show was.

Now I'm confused. I don't know if it's U.S. Weekly or Us Weekly.

Wow, I completely forgot about Miss Claudette. Would love to see her again.

To be fair though, it WAS a World Cup Qualifier.

No, I haven't done any research on it yet. I figured I'd wait on this to see if someone had a good source. But wikia is usually pretty good, so I'll have to check it out. Thanks!

Or maybe that's their business model. "You watch it so fast that you forget it and have to watch it again!"

That's true, but Alex did have a set of keys. Though I don't know where or how she obtained them.

My biggest issue with starting this show back up is that I barely remember ANY of their past stories/why they're there (for the ones they told us). Does anyone know if there's some sort of list out there somewhere that documents this? That would be so helpful.

I like to think that the lyric is actually, "CUT MY LIFE IN TWO PIECES!"