
When I comment, it's more of a very bad humor site.

I went to the Yeezus tour and also bought tickets for this one. Yeezus was a fantastic show. But here's hoping to him NOT wearing a mask the entire show this timeā€¦

I still haven't stopped!

Yeah, I make sure to commit one crime per year that will book me for exactly as long as the GoT seasons are supposed to air. That subscription is just too much, you know?

Different scene.

Same, but maybe just because I have a huge crush on Maritza.

Don't forget Broken Bells!

Yeah, but Camp MVP hasn't beat Camp Hope in the Apache Relay since '94.

Grinder? I barely even know'er.

Man after watching that first Don Atari scene, I had to rewind it and watch it again. I found that guy hilarious! The way he would slur his last word into a mumbled "dude" at the end of his sentences got me every time. I wish there was more of him!

He was really good in an episode of Friends that he starred in.

It's definitely better after you watch it more than once. Now that the expectations are completely out the window.

I've seen it so many times on here and I've learned to love it. But I was a little late to the party, so I still have no idea what it means.

Come on dude, that's just low.
This is clearly one of her better pictures.

That header image just made me shit my pants.

You guys, it's 2016 now. We're all adults here. We can just admit we all like the Biebs already. It's time to move on. It's over.

Yeah, and Galvin is 21. I guess their solution to finding good child/teen actors that gel so well together" is just cutting out the child/teen part.


S01E14: The REAL Episode Order

When she walked up to Kanye's "Jesus Walks", it was probably the highlight of the season for me.