
If I'm being realistic, saying "There are countless other sites that recap [Empire] so people could always go to one of those," is the opposite of a good reason to stop reviewing it. It's like if PepsiCo said, "Hey, you know what? Tons of people out there drink Coke. We might as well stop making Pepsi." Probably not

According to Wikipedia, Nick was the second vote for Aubry. Assuming that's true… I did not see that coming.

Wow, I tried to italicize "surviving" but apparently I still can't figure out how to do that. Now my comment just looks stupid.

Not a great move that shows you were in charge of anything or making great strategic decisions, but one that shows you're surviving.

Man, Keith must be pissed that Sia said she considered giving him 50K after last season, but decided not to.

I understand that and agree completely. I was just responding to the OP's claim that everyone liked Aubry.

Most people in her situation would have said "We're on the outside. They're going to pick us off one by one," and tried to flip people over to their side. Michelle at least realized her chances of that succeeding were slim, and flipped to Aubry & Co's side. I'm not saying this was some incredible move that won her the

Well, she didn't orchestrate the move to get out Julia, but she also didn't push against it. She chose the new alliance over her best ally. As for Aubry and Scot/Jason, maybe they respected her game, but (at least from what we saw) she never made a personal connection in any way with them, and didn't seem to try to. I


I thought it was super weird that Michelle was asking Aubry's advice about voting out Joe. What was she going to say? "Yeah, definitely vote out my biggest ally! That's a smart play!"

I like it and I hope they keep doing this going forward. It'll be much better now that the players will know this is a possibility.

I heard that right after Jeff walked away with the votes, Julia ran over and slaughtered him and made him for dinner.

I also thought it was rude of her to interrupt Cydney's questioning of Michelle to ask Michelle a question of her own. She was blatantly trying to make Michelle look bad, and it was really a bad look for Aubry.

One time at some award show, a caption on the TV popped up that said "FUN FACT! Michael J. Fox has Parkinson's Disease." That's like, one of the least fun facts ever.

They really should just air the reunion online so they can expand it. There's not enough time to talk to all of the castaways and they rush it every single season.

Aubry didn't make many enemies, but she also didn't make many friends.

Ba dum tsst!

You could say Aubry was a threat in challenges, but she actually only won one individually. Michelle won at least 3 to my memory. You could say that AUBRY IS GOOD AT ALMOST TO WINNING.

To be fair, the "rules" of this twist were only briefly mentioned right before it happened. He didn't see this coming.

How did he have access to her application video before the game was over??