
I thought it was funny that Michelle told Aubry she was thinking about removing Joe. Then Aubry convinced her to take out someone "who will persuade the jury" implying Scot or Jason. Then Michelle used her advice against her in voting out HER outspoken ally.

I didn't get the impression at all that everyone liked Aubry. To me, it seemed like (of the jury members) only the brains and Cydney liked Aubry. I never once got he vibe that Scot, Jason, Nick, or Julia ever liked her at all. (For the record, I know that Tai also liked her, but he had no vote)

I feel this way about most of the stupid "themes". The worst was blue/white/no collar. They (both Jeff and the castaways) had to bring up ALL THE TIME stupid generalizations about why the game relates to their collar. But people are defined by so much more than their jobs or ages, so it all falls flat for me

Maybe she should have mentioned that to the jury?

Regarding your pink shirt comment….. It's like on the first season when that one guy tried voting people out in alphabetical order to not hurt any feelings. Everyone has their different strategies. That's why I LOVE the variety of characters we get each season: some strategists, some physical survivors, and some

But that's the thing about these games. You can play a perfect game, and still not win. That's just how it goes. Look at Vanessa from last summer's Big Brother. She hit the game out of the park (even though she was nuts) only to be evicted right before the finals.

Yeah, I was cheering for Neal early in the season, but it was all ruined by what he said to Michelle. It made me happy he wasn't around longer if he's that big of a prick. But then again, maybe it's just my discomfort with the word "teat".

Not to mention he was the first one to go to the jury. He was on the jury longer than anyone else, and he didn't even get to use his vote. Yikes!

Yeah, as I mentioned above, I thought Aubry's "biggest move" was voting out Debbie, and the ONLY reason they did that was to flush out idols, which didn't even kind of work.

She had an alliance with Michelle since they first joined the same tribe.

Actually, Millennials are typically considered as people born between 1980-2000, so the children of the 90's aren't Gen Xers.

It didn't help that 3 men got evacuated. They tend to give them more of an invisible edit so viewers don't get too attached.

I think it was a mix of a lot of things. Michelle was close to the bottom of every alliance she ever had, but she always found a way to stay in the game. She made a huge move in voting out Julia, and she won the most important challenge of the game. Michelle had no enemies in the jury, and didn't vote most of them

I've literally been sitting here for 14 minutes trying to decide which song this is. I think it's time to find a job or be productive. Or do meth or something.

I just love Claire.

Twatby is a scum.

29 x 2 = 58 hours
2.5 days = 60 hours
My math says that his math was correct and rounded to the nearest half-day.

That can't be the case. Nolan is literally a genius. I think he could come up with something better than what the writers are giving him.

How would you like to suck my balls, Mr. Garrison.