
I have to say, I definitely prefer Selena Gomez's new straight hair. But that young Bruce Bogtrotter has some growing up to do. I also enjoyed the plan to get inside Arkham, but I wish Alfred Hitchcock could have joined instead of hanging back. Love that guy. At least they finally involved Luscious Malfoy. It'll be

But it is a word…

I agree, but at least most of their stories began pre-Indian Hill. Freeze was the one who invented his freeze-ray. He just wasn't evil yet. And Firefly's weapon of choice was already a flamethrower (Not to mention, from that awful line earlier in the season…"Fire is the family business"). And obviously we saw much

Thank you so much for that explanation; we would have all been lost without it!!


Insidious 2: Electric Boogaloo

A bunch of Jabronis.

Hanna-Barbera Streisand

Well I know that. I'm not stupid. I'm just confused by what I'm supposed to do with the bananas once they're out of my ears.

How can I listen to this?

I agree about the 2 hour episode, but I thought they should have just started the finale with this one. They could have condensed this entire episode into like 15 minutes if they wanted to. It was so drawn out.

I'm sure they highlighted this scene to foreshadow Cydney's fourth place departure.

That's what I was thinking. It's been so heavily advertised as the hardest, most harsh conditions ever on Survivor, and emphasizing that there were several evacuations. Well, the evacuations weren't really because of the conditions at all. You could argue that Caleb's was, but that was more just a poorly planned

Yes, Michelle is going to win.
1) Michelle
2) Tai
3) Aubrey
4) Cydney
(Final 2)

But the difference is that there are usually two "best players" left at final 4.

She's far from a pawn. They're going to vote out Cyndey next. Then Tai and Michelle will team up and get rid of Aubrey, and she'll beat Tai in the finals. You heard it here first.

I'm fairly certain that the reward scene where Aubrey realized Cydney is a threat is foreshadowing that Cydney will be the next to go. Otherwise they wouldn't have included that scene. They've done a lot of multi-episode foreshadowing this season.

We'll essentially get to see how it plays out at next tribal. I imagine everyone will still be gunning for the same people they would have before the evacuation. Just with no Joe vote this time.

I assumed her confessional where she said that was filmed after he had already gotten sick. But what do I know.

"You've gotta DIG!!!!"