
If anything, they should have done that on this episode. It was so drawn out and nothing even happened. I'm surprised they didn't compact this episode into 12 minutes and add it into the finale.

Just go on Hulu. It's not too late!

You just blew me away.

This just reminded me of the Episode where Stew encourages Ethan to be on the stage crew. This show works on so many levels, even if it doesn't know it.

Nobody can confirm Season 2 at this time.

I agree. Grinder is definitely the funnier of the two. Grandfathered isn't bad, but there's nothing about it that stands out like I think the Grinder does. They just followed Full House's winning formula: Pair up John Stamos with a cute baby (Although MK&A were WAY cuter than Edie is in Grandfathered).

I paused it when Claire walked out too, but for a different reason.

Yeah, it doesn't seem like you're taking the show for what it is. It's a comedy that's parodying a drama. In a show where the premise is that an actor "becomes" a lawyer without actually becoming a lawyer, I don't think you're supposed to get hung up in the details of why one of their court cases wouldn't make sense

I figured they'll have the "unlikely" team-up of Fish and Penguin to take down Hugo. Seems way too obvious. It's really just a matter of if they'll team up right away, or if they'll conflict first, then team up. It's going to happen.

What is he saying? Is he saying Pow?

Agreed about how quickly that song came together. Hakeem "freestyled" a verse, and then apparently remembered it word for word for the next performance.

I understand that's what you're saying. I'm saying, from what I saw, I never heard that explained. I must have missed it. And to me, making a fake tombstone is a ridiculous concept to begin with, and, although it's now explained, it still doesn't make much sense to me, just like many other things in this show.

Well, from my gathering, Luscious never said she died, only heavily implied it. And this show is so all over the place, I think anything they do is fair game to be confused by.

Even still, he should have saved it for next tribal. He didn't use it because he thought he was in danger of going home, he used it because he was fixated on getting Michelle out before Jason. Also, he was assuming his whole alliance was with him. If that was the case, Michelle would have gotten 4 votes (Tai, Aubrey,


Agreed about Jason. He's been unlikeable the entire season (with some help of the edit), but he's been very self aware and he always seemed to know exactly what the best move was for himself. I don't like the guy, but I have to admit he was a fairly solid survival strategist.

I assumed it's a red herring. They actually only keep saying "A LYON WILL FALL." and heavily imply that someone gets shot. I highly doubt that means death. It really wouldn't surprise me if one of them literally just tripped and fell, and then got back up and moved on.

I'm so annoyed with how many different plots are going on at once.
1) Hakeem 's love quadrilateral with Laura/Tiana/Anika
2) Jamal's new love interest
3) The family song plot
4) Anika and Rhonda
5) Cookie's sisters/FBI man
6) Thirsty offing that reporter
7) Andre finding out about his Grandmother
8) Luscious's mother coming

Hold up, if Leah never died, why does she have a tombstone in a cemetery?

This boy, Bruce Bogtrotter, is none other than a vicious sneak thief! You're a disgusting criminal, aren't you?