
Wouldn't it be funny if he just wasn't there next episode and there was no mention of him? I don't think many people would notice.

Ergo, it wouldn't make any sense to go to a re-vote.


I thought he was just feeding her ego before they voted her out (well, tried to, at least)

If any of the other players are smart, Jason will NOT be voted out next. Nobody likes him and he has no allies/power. I'm thinking they'll probably go for Julia next, and then some of the better players will gun for each other (Cydney, Aubrey, Tai, and even Michelle). There's no incentive to vote off Jason or Joe.

I think it's technically supposed to be Loo-see-us, but everyone rushes the pronunciation. But I could be wrong.

I kept waiting and waiting for Ilana to lend Abbi her period pants, but it never came.

That dude is everywhere lately.

It's as easy to understand as Ben Franklin's artifacts actually being a giant bong hahahaa

How High was really good at the beginning, but it gets worse as it goes on. Or maybe I just get too stoned to know what's going on about halfway through. Then all of a sudden they're digging up John Quincy Adams and I wonder what the f I'm watching.

I agree. I thought 1-5 were solid (until the croquet incident), but then season 6 (when they were on the run and changing identities) got sloppy. 7 was a little better than 6, but 8 wasn't very good either. Probably should've ended when Nancy got busted at the airport.

"After all, nobody loves to genetically modify humans quite like him!"
Dollmaker, anyone??

Lions fans are typically used to "F" category.

The kids on The Grinder are dynamite. The show as a whole was cast very spectacularly. I hope it doesn't get canceled.

I've been saying all season how they've really missed an opportunity to give Haley & Alex an apartment together. It would be both realistic, and help the (lack of) Alex issue that the show has. They're both college aged(ish) girls, so it would make perfect sense.

Like the OP said, their logic makes sense. But after seeing how everything played out, it was the WORST move they could have made. What happened by voting out Debbie: Lose an alliance member, didn't flush out any idols. What would have happened if they voted out Scot/Jason: Lose an alliance member, both idols are

I don't think they were planning to play either of them anyway. I thought their plan the whole time was to play the super idol to save whichever one of them was voted out. Since the other alliance doesn't fully understand the super idol anyway, they did all of the other shenanigans to throw off the girls' alliance.

Every time I see Todd I just want him to turn into Stevie.

I don't know about you guys, but if I were about to confront someone who framed me, I probably would have stood up from my chair before I pulled out my gun. That's just poor preparation.

The dog part was totally necessary!!! It was to misdirect us into thinking Penguin was feeding the dog to Grace. But then BOOM! PLOT TWIST! T'wasn't a Dogroast, but a Childroast all along!