
Agreed - But I have to say, once I realized Phil and Mitchell were going to get high, I got pretty excited.

Maybe it's not the way it's written, but the way you perceive it. I could argue that Andy is out of Haley's league because he's a truly nice guy and a much better person than she is. But you seem to only be basing it on physical appearance.

"Who among us has never dipped a hand into some loose cheese?" may just be my new favorite sentence. It just really hits home, you know?

I still don't understand that. I don't know why 1) She's lying about her age or 2) How that would gain her any votes. The only thing I've read suggested that she's doing it because she doesn't want to be dismissed as a child, but are 18 and 21 REALLY that different?

Cydney is fun to watch. Why is she a good player? BECAUSE SHE KEEPS HER MOUTH SHUT. How many scenes have we seen so far this season where people will walk off, and then it cuts to Cydney watching them and taking in information. Smart girl.

Except that they're NOT nonsense. That's the brilliance of it.

Does everyone else love CEO Hakeem as much as I do?

Yeah dawg.

I really really hope Selena Gomez realizes soon that she's an awful singer and actress. There are so many better singers that aren't as hot as she is. She should just be a model, because all she's good at is looking good.

Because if Anika isn’t involved in the death of Andre and Rhonda’s baby, what exactly is she even doing on this show?
You seem to have forgotten that she's carrying Hakeem's lovechild.

Where are you getting this from? We saw a woman in heels walk out, and Dre was apologizing to the baby because he/she didn't survive. Did I miss part of the episode? Because I didn't get this impression at all.