
Pretty sure it also came from the bag. He'd blow like half of it, but still had a murderer's bankroll for a few more days

Creators have said some stuff indicating that they tried one direction along the Mad Men/Breaking Bad route then found something that worked better.

5'10'' according to the internets

Went into it without knowing any hype, and I was confused and then entranced by its magic. I've avoided telling my fellow BoJack friends about it so they can be struck by it like I was.

yeah, maybe send the makers of this comedy show an email, so they can issue a correction.

I found this cut that has multiple action events running simultaneously, which gets it down to 4 minutes. Still absurd, but less so, and it's fun to think about the fights happening simultaneously. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

given that they're up to 4 already, it isn't inconceivable to hope for 20ish, at which point it actually becomes possible, especially with no natural predators, access to medicine, etc. There is some historical precedent: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik… They probably wouldn't have the best genes, but they might be able

Olivia seemed to indicate that they had slept together.

It's probably less than 100, given http://www.livescience.com/…. A lot of it would also depend on how hostile the environment is. I could imagine given the modern conveniences of this world, it might work with 10-20. Inbreeding would suck, but could be overcome.

Can I get odds on a Jason/Hoyt threesome?

It's not insanely wealthy or anything, but no one I know would call that poor. It's pretty standard for software engineers, but there are also plenty who get payed less. Intel will pay new grads 80k, or at least they did a couple of years ago, but 100K is not poor, even in the bay.

That would be illegal, but a huge company with a stack of lawyers could probably get away with it, or at least pay a settlement much less than the value of the invention.

Yes, most of the engineers in Silicon valley are men, but I think there is a huge difference in having a few women (10-20%) and none. Without any female engineers, it sends the message to women viewers that this isn't an industry available to women. With a few women, it shows it's doable, even if it is a mostly male

I also like how Einstein and Bill Gates both graduated High School.