
For what it's worth clean ones with very minimal rust (and some rust-free) usually go for $1k-$2k.

A '48 Caddy could be a sports car, maybe.

Chris Harris' Jalopnik column.

Geez, I mean, I hate smarts too but come on. Shooting one? Shrapnel could damage the car behind it.

But what if there's an engine sitting low in the car and up front where that air would usually flow, as there will likely be in Nissan's design?

You should see the stuff they have on eBay for these cars. I'm talking a head unit with an 8 inch screen, running Android, with OBD-II capabilities and more. Best part is, the ones for your car look very OEM and cost about $300. The ones for my MkIV Jetta don't look as good and are more expensive.

Is is a regional thing, or have I been pronouncing it wrong forever? I've rarely heard people call it an "eh eh" battery. I've always heard it called "double-A" (and "triple-A"). Just bugs me.

Well with a fuel gauge that large at least you should never run out of gas...


No tach, but you were fully freaking informed at ALL TIMES what your fuel level was! ;)

$15 a month x 12 months x 5 (or worse 6) years = $900-1,100 you could have spent to get a REAL premium sound system at your local installer. Or, you could have spent a lot less, still got better sound than the "premium" system, AND banked the extra cash.

The i8? yuck, no thanks

First thing, lose the italic. It's only making the whole thing look squirrely. Just use a straight up-and-down roman like Trajan. Turn that torch into a flattened vector image rather than a photograph. Give the shield an outline so it won't be invisible on anything but a black background and either lose or slightly

This is the race engine. We're testing!

Screw the hero car - here's your villain car.

It would only appear through hologram.

It has all the elements any good TV show needs, comedy, excitement, mystery, and fear.

Morgan AreoMax