What's South Carolina? Is that a type of BBQ sauce or something?
What's South Carolina? Is that a type of BBQ sauce or something?
Every time I see one of these front-drive beigemobiles tooling around, particularly with some kind of NASCAR tie-in, part of my soul dies.
Way cool.... I'll get a "show us" thread going for this soon.
I think that the Ted Kennedy instance should have been first on the list; that was by far one of the most disgustingly egregious breaches of basic humanity that I've ever heard of. No matter what other good he may or may not have done on this planet, that's pretty hard to overlook.
Best looking car Infiniti has ever made, IMO
I want one of these so bad.
Oceans, Skys, Icebergs. Blue is the new green, blue is "green" without the 1960's mental association in the consumer??? I thought there was a news story/report in like 2006-7 that said 'blue is the new green'... maybe blue is the recession-proof green?
industry over-used "green", so now green is like brown. and since brown was bad, and there aren't many earth-hues left to exploit, auto mfgs have started calling everything "blue."
Everyone but Americans, apparently.