A bit of planning can save you a ton of money when it comes to buying throughout the year. Here’s your…
A bit of planning can save you a ton of money when it comes to buying throughout the year. Here’s your…
Mac: There are plenty of browser tools out there for testing your internet speed, but they’re usually filled with…
When you change your address, you can get your mail forwarded for a little while, but eventually you’ll need to let…
Mac: Apple Mail is fine for most people, but if you really need a powerhouse email client, it falls short in all…
Sorting your inbox is one of those necessary evils and while the default iOS Mail app doesn’t have a ton of options…
It’s been another year, which means yet another iteration on OS X. While Apple didn’t make any major moves with the…
If you’re running out of space on your PS4, a hard drive replacement may be in order—and it’s so easy you can do it…
iPhone: Unroll.me has long been one of our favorite ways to destroy spam in your inbox, and today that experience…
Setting up a new computer is hard enough, but if you’re privacy minded, things are even more complicated. This is…
Popping a breath mint only masks bad breath—it doesn’t actually solve the problem. If you stink up the vicinity…
There are no classrooms that teach you basic hygiene growing up. Your parents may do what they can, but a surprising…
If you use Gmail, you probably know that Google can easily parse your email receipts for things like package…
Search engines like Pipl allow you to find information on just about anyone. If you'd like to get your information…
Mac: Hopefully, you're backing up all your data in multiple places. This might include using both Dropbox and Box,…
Finder isn't the most exciting thing about OS X, but it's the backbone for how you navigate the operating system.…
Customizing your desktop icons isn't strictly a time waster. Take, for example, your most-used folders. Custom…
One of OS X's nicer features is Smart Folders, which are basically saved searches that act as folders. Too many can…
Mac productivity maven Merlin Mann rolls up his sleeves and flexes the power of his favorite Mail.app smart mailbox…
by Gina Trapani