If you think I am defending Microsoft's DRM policy, which I called "awful" in a headline linked in this very article, you really need to work on your language skills.
If you think I am defending Microsoft's DRM policy, which I called "awful" in a headline linked in this very article, you really need to work on your language skills.
Thank you so much for bringing this into my life
Thank God his videos are so short, I can watch them all in no time!
Slightly off-topic, but one of my favourite things to come out of Vine, this guy's videos:
I'm just glad I'm not the only person who looked at those pictures over and over and went "huh...is it slanty or not!?" Your post made me realize that I'm looking at the one in the vertical stand and the picture was not taken at an angle, you're looking at it straight on. The stand is slanted to accommodate the…
No, really, Internet porn? What's that?
Killer fap
Killer app?
the first one is getting it officially now.
I love the setting as well. Old medieval fantasy is nice and all, but I'd rather see developers explore modern fantasy more and not in that "OH ITS A SECRET SOCIETY TYPE THING" found in a lot of modern fantasy novels and shit. HIGH FANTASY. Modern times. <3 So much potential.
Advent Children looks slightly outdated now compared to when it was first released. Was entirely blown away every second of it. Still love the aesthetics though.
To be fair, they wanted to capture the feel of the original game's character designs.
Christ, it's now apparent to me just how much better versus looks compared to a CG movie (an old one yes, but still CG).
Thanks for posting this. I'm so glad that Square-Enix made all the right moves at E3, I truly would not have guessed any of this would happen. My reaction was just the same as these guys. I actually got really emotional when I heard them screaming about the rebrand and the KH3 showing. Incredible show. They…
I felt the same way as those dudes in the video after those trailers even though they arent't PS4 only titles. im till happy those games exist
These guys are not annoying at all.
I myself squealed like a little girl, and it was almost 6am. I hope no one heard me...