Watch this video and tell me that you don't want to try it out:
Watch this video and tell me that you don't want to try it out:
They're interesting from a conceptual standpoint, but I wouldn't like seeing these designs in a movie or animated series. I'm not crazy about the new film designs, but I prefer them over this.
God-f**king-damn it.
And just to add to what I've said so far, Avegant have targeted the Glyph primarily for mobile applications, e.g iPad, laptop etc. It's no accident that it looks like a pair of headphones; it can be used as such when not in visor mode (the headband flips up and down). Of course there's nothing stopping you from…
People, this is not a competitor to the Oculus Rift. Both have very different use cases and utilise very different technologies.
The Oculus Rift is designed to immerse you in the game/software. It takes up most of your field of view and games have to be specifically designed/modded to work with the Rift. With low…
Do they have regular KitKat? Because that would be odd if they didn't.
They're a bit too far away from the grips for my liking. But it's still a mockup, so further changes could still be made.
Heihachi-ly laughed at that terrible pun.
Welcome to 2014, time traveller from 2008!
That is...fucking brilliant.
I loathe Alienware. Bought an Alienware PC in 2008 for over £2.5k. It was loud, hot and kept crashing. Within a year it was blue-screening on the regular. Worst PC I've ever had.
I've been putting off replaying Majora's Mask for years. I just think any minute Nintendo is going to announce a re-release of some sort.
Now make a giant one for humans and we're in business.
Haha, loved it.
Luigi could beat up Master Chief.
Those splinters must be a pain in the ass.
That pun was on point.
No I apologise, that was rude of me...
But yes it was rather obnoxious. You are entitled to critique an artist's work as you please, of course...but maybe work on your delivery - 'When an artist sees it, "Yeah, I did that in High school too."' C'mon now.