Mad Monk

“Mass tragedy today as hundreds of commuters cars in Atlanta suffered catastrophic tire punctures at highway speeds, leading to major pileups with hundreds of casualties and an unknown number of deaths. The cause was identified as thousands of tiny, plastic 4-sided pyramidal objects, strewn across the highway. These

Since I don’t directly comment to greys—and especially greys with backward ass opinions—here goes:

“I don’t want to do this because it makes me and my family uncomfortable,” is full-enough reason not to do something, full stop.

He may not play with Woman, but he does “RAID” them all the time. I have seen him send 100K viewers to woman streamers. There is little difference.

Yes they would benefit more from his presence, but
many many streamers gained their success from the same method. NINJA himself earned his followers from a host from Summit

If that is true that Zeke Elliott is being punished for not cooperating with the league’s investigation, then we already from Tom Brady’s suspension that Zeke will miss at least four games this season.

You were able to confirm that the new DLC would be named ‘Curse of Osiris’, contain a story about rescuing Osiris from the Vex, a Lighthouse social space, and new patrol zones on Mercury, though JUST that photo above?

As a llama, I would like to state that we, the llama community, do not have any association with Mr. Llamas and condemn any spitting in victims’ faces. For the record, we’re also not cool with all the Nazis that have been running around lately either.

I had a coworker who cut her parents off right after the election. She’s white, a lesbian in an interracial marriage (her wife is Latina). Her parents voted for 45. She was like “No, we will not be coming to your house for Thanksgiving, and I see no need for us to speak further.” She has 3 or 4 siblings who are like

Good morning PJ. I had a similar relationship with my best friend’s mother until, for my own mental sanity I had to cut her off. My best friend is white and I am black and I am the godmother her children (if the unthinkable happens, my BFF wants me - and not any one in her family - to take care of her kids, lawyers

Well if I had money, tell you what I’d do, I’d not go to Doug’s and buy a Mercury for forty two.
You’d have to be crazy ‘bout that Mercury.
Lord, Doug’s crazy bout his Mercury.

Imagine applying to a law firm with the name “Dick Danger”

If I had to die, being blown to death would pretty much be at the top of my list.

I am going to go out on a limb and say that if he practiced a bit more, he wood have a better time. He should try branching out with other strategies. I guarantree that he will trunkate his time.

This is basically a built in sherpa system. For those that aren’t aware, there were high level players in Destiny 1 who would guide people through content just for the fun of it. They were known as sherpas and I think the intent of the Guided Games system is that if your Clan actively looks for a sixth through it, you

All this cultural appropriation nonsense gets exhausting. People naturally emulate those they hold a high opinion of. Imitation is an invitation to dialogue and if you shut everyone down because they’re wearing a style favored by your ancestors and not theirs then they’ll never understand what those styles mean.

Higher level thinking and technology already seems like magic to simpletons, so we decided to run with it.

People sitting in their car on the street doesn’t create some kind of right to hold them at gunpoint.