
Not Cannon. As far as I am aware they made one great movie (Barfly), one good movie (Street Smart) and a whole lot of crap.

My understanding is it means queer or questioning and in this sense queer would mean someone who does not identify as LGB, but also not straight. Gender fluid people might be part of the Q.

The only thing better thana good Women in Prison film is a nice nunsploitation film.

Most people consider The Prestige to be a better movie than book. Also, to a much lesser extent, The Bridges of Madison County.

Commutes, housework, exercise, home repairs and improvement.

I am behind too, but it's farewell to a character, not the show. It's mid-season, 6 episodes left. Next season will be only 10.

Per the Tweet you included. the Patriots DID NOT say that 36 appeared in 2015. They said 36 appeared the last time they won Twice in 3 years, which was clearly during W's reign.

It's not partisanship, its about values. Believe me, I am a liberal and i could not stand Clinton who was to the right of Papa Bush.

I would say Bankers and Wall Street types would have an issue and in the 80's they were solidly Republican.

I am a fan of Chomsky and if you take hs statements to an extreme conclusion, you might argue they support the film. I can se someone making that argument although I would disagree with it.
Chomsky's main argument with respect to media is that it makes sense if you view it as a propaganda model, albeit an effective

Actually, that's exactly what I meant. He insists on only discussing the drunk driving incident as if that's the only "mistake" he ever made and lays all the blame on the demon alcohol. He takes responsibility for what he did that night, but is not willing to deal with his underlying anger issues. He does not take

He, like Brown, has not accepted full responsibility for his actions or given a non-caveated apology. Both Gibson and Brown will continue to be criticized and mocked for their actions

Lindsay got the abortion didn't she? Was there a surprise reveal in the finale I forgot?

She decided to keep an unplanned pregnancy. It's not the same as deciding she wants a child prior to getting pregnant. She probably would have been fulfilled without a child.

Nt to the extent that MST3K. It's one thing to occasionally interact or comment on a scene, but I am not aware of any show that included as many comments as even first season MST3K

Interjection: With the exception of the Howard Stern interview in the 90's I have never bought a Pentthouse for the interview. I actually have bought issues of playboy for the interview. Either that or celebrity nudes.

I did.

Oh, it's not and I did not mean to imply that. I was actually prompted by the contributor who chose Chumscrubber. In another post I listed Hardware and Night at the Museum.

For anyone over 35, that movie was hardly original or ground-breaking.

Also, while American Beauty had some great dialog and I liked the performances, the first three words I would use to describe it are trite, predictable, and ham-handed. At the time it came it was the umpteenth film to expose the facade of suburbia.