
You'll move out of your parents house and talk to a real girl some day.

You had to go and poke that bear.


Read Foucault's Pendulum

Americana was the last good album

Has BBCA been editing the recent seasons. The original Sci-Fi episodes were al edited to shit, but I thought Moffat reduced the times on his episodes so that BBCA wouldn't have to edit.

Both times were Alison. Helen took him back at the end of the first season.

Wow. I have zero recollection of that/ There were a lot of one season featured players between 2005 and 2010

They also had massive malnutrition and starvation.

Which season?

From reading the comments here, I thought Danny was screwing around with her birth control or "actively sabotaging her fertility clinic" or committed some crime.

I had no idea that Adam Schlessinger was co-writing the music for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. No wonder it's so catchy

Why do you find that strange? Also, when they registered, there was no war.

As far as Lou knowing where he was, I assumed he was registered there. They knew who he was.

Last season of Lost - incredibly disappointing; This episode great,

This show has been great from day one.

The last scene shows Alison and Scotty having an argument at the Lobster Roll.

Same experience I had. 14 year old me. Terminator - no problem. Bachelor Party - problem.

When it comes to sex on camera, I agree. Nudity, full frontal or otherwise should not be a concern and should be way easier to explain than knife in the chest.

Wow. I like Deep Inside Annie Sprinkle, but I find it hard to fathom it's the second best selling porn of all time (I assume after Deep Throat).