
Really? Aside from the involved company, point to the “car news” in the article. There wasn’t a single thing mentioned to explain why we should give a damn that a female is the CFO. The headline’s sole intent is to point out it’s a female. Big deal. Great for her! So what, otherwise.

What YOU said is interesting. It also isn’t in the article. Why is it important that she’s female? That was the focus of this article.

Your response is the first of what I expect to be many predictable replies. At the least, you’ll likely get multiple stars for your unoriginal thought.

This isn’t newsworthy or interesting. Why should anyone care?

Had to be due to the supplier in England being the closest one with immediate available capacity to start full production. Which is honestly crazy that anyone on the globe has that sort of production line just sitting idle and ready to crank out parts for one of the highest production vehicles on the planet.

Because there was somebody there who knew how to use the tooling?

I didn’t realize Michigan was in Mexico...

This is all hogwash. BUT, VW does think Americans just want large cheap cars. And they are probably right in many cases. The North American Passat, Atlas and Tiguan are fat, boring, and ugly compared to the European Passat, Touareg, and T-Roc. The interiors alone are just a travesty when you compare them to what VW

But I always thought bigger government and more regulations were better? Can’t we just skip all the BS and have the government nationalize the entire vehicle and transportation industry already? I mean, that’s what I learned in college. (aka Socialism is best)

First Gear: The belief that Federal standardization of newly developing technologies will bring about more efficient development is not new and is still as equally wrong as it ever was. It assumes that the one standard that is approved or blessed by the Federal government is the one that will win. For driverless cars,

1st Gear: ‘Small Government’ Is Letting Other Countries Leap Ahead

Jalopnik is helping kill autonomous cars with hit pieces on Uber and clickbait titles anytime a Tesla gets into a fender bender. The uneducated members of government are simply following what the media is feeding them.

No point in telling Jalopnik to get off that particular high horse. Every time they bring it up, the conveniently skip the part where no one has parts available so we can’t replace the airbags even if we wanted to. They then ignore us when we point it out, time and again.

cars which require 87 would run fine on a higher octane. The problem would be if you’re adding 87 to a car that requires 91. It’s a minimum rating your vehicle has to have.

What? Tons of cars require 87. Especially older cars as mentioned by OP. Higher octane gas doesn’t burn as easily but won’t necessarily harm your engine, you just don’t gain any benefit for the added cost.

Have you ever worked at a start-up? Long hours, low-pay, high-pressure. It’s not a government union job. It’s not for everyone, a lot of people can’t or won’t handle it. And when have you seen a good Tesla news story here. Almost all are bad.

Which cars require 87 octane? How are their engines harmed by higher octane fuels?

Isn’t that a minimum required rating? Maybe I have just misunderstood all along, but I always thought you could put in higher octane if you wanted, but you didn’t have to.

When US auto companies first went to mexico, they wreaked havoc because they paid WAY TOO MUCH. It was catastrophic in many regions.

It sounds great to pay a lot, but there’s serious drawbacks. For example, if your doctors get paid more to work on an assembly line, then your doctors quit their practices and go work at

Tesla is following the path of all innovators, including their name-inspiration. Do a ton of really expensive groundbreaking work, go broke because of the expense part, and then have a bunch of hacks come in after the bankruptcy, pick up the IP rights and already developed infrastructure at vastly reduced cost, then