
That’s not always going to be possible. It might be where we’ve lived, but school districts are not at all interested in servicing students outside their own boundaries. Even the offer to pay tuition doesn’t move them.

As a UChicago alum, he can stick it up opposition to trigger warnings up his jumper.

Okino, Dawes, Douglas, Biles... who am I missing? Has it really only been 6?

He’s not typically my jam except for that 90 seconds in Love, Actually when he’s dancing to the Pointer Sisters.

I don’t know. I feel more secure spending the money on early childhood education than college for my kid. By the time she reaches college, I imagine she’ll be in control of her own educational endeavors. Fortunately, we have thus far lived in districts with very good public schools, so we haven’t made that choice yet.

I don’t know about my current area (we just moved two months ago), but in Chicagoland, the private Catholic schools were the best bargain. If you needed to go private, you could get a good one for $10k a year. Assuming you could afford $10k a year, it’s a steal.

City Museum in St. Louis is AMAZING.

So, until recently, I worked at a major international art museum. (Nothing art-related. I worked on spreadsheets. In the basement like the socially-inept troglodyte I am.) One of the perks of being an employee is free admission, and I used to take my daughter to the museum on a fairly regular basis.

The end of that race had all of us on the edge of our seats. We couldn’t believe the Polish guy lost that lead.

It’s crazy to me that you can hey licensed and not be required to have that kind of experience. I would hope that stylists would at least be familiar with black hair (even if it isn’t their specialty) as part of getting that license.

Right? At that age, I would have just looked like a nerd in those frames.

Uh... there are a couple of black make-up artists on Twitter that talk about how beauty school kits basically come with one foundation shade for all brown girls. So. Yeah.

I’m going to hazard to guess a good portion of beauty school graduates don’t know what to do with a black woman’s hair, either. I’ve actually been asked to leave salons because no one wanted to attempt to shape up my fro.

My husband and I used to be big dog people. Our dog, however, is a 8 lb lump of fluff. We brought her home 10 years ago and he now says he’ll never go back. His reason?

This was the first in a truly remarkable series that The Toast (RIP, *sniff*) gave us. If you have not read it, give it a spin.

Good grief. That’s one of the few things I was looking forward to when I found a job in the city: working in Washington Heights was going to be far enough from the tourists and people would know how to get around on the sidewalk. New Yorkers have let me down on their much-vaunted sidewalk-savvy.

This just makes me homesick. We moved from River Forest to CT last month (I’m working in NYC). I can get why NYC seems fun for folks, but, man, I am counting the days until we don’t have to pay back the relocation allowance so we can go back home.


Is it just me or does Ava also look a lot like a blonde Alexis Bledel from the nose up?

Mine was my clone from the moment she emerged from the darkness. Seven years on, she’s starting to look more like my mother-in-law, but for the first 3-4 years, you could hardly tell my baby pictures from hers.