Janelle S

Depending on the institution, advising is unlikely to be outsourced in the next 10 years. Institutions with more resources are likely to keep it in-house. (Those schools compete as much on student amenities as academic programs, and advising is a key one they can offer.)

Listen to your brother. You've got this.

Usually, I can spot what gets my comment put in Disqus jail.

Don't hesitate to apply just because you don't have a master's. What's the worst that can happen? They don't call you for an interview, and then you're in the same spot.

My money is on not only will he not get impeached, he'll get re-elected. (Whether his health holds up to complete a second term is questionable, but I think he'll get that option.)

If she'd be happy with an elopement, there is no call for her to have the big ceremony just to satisfy her mother. Mom will have ample opportunities for her theatrics if/when they have children. Family reunions. Barbecues. She is under no obligation to provide a stage.

Nah. My mom had no interest at all in the proceedings. She and my dad got married in jeans and t-shirts in front of a military judge back in the day.


Ooof. There was that time when I had questions about a diversity initiative and the response was "do you want to be on the committee?" Uh, no. I just wanted to know what y'all thought this thing was going to do. I do not need more meetings.

I was so excited to see that a Southern food place was opening up a block from my office. I dropped by on opening day last week and was taken aback by just how disappointed I was to see the staff was not black. I'm still going to try it—because greatness can come from all quarters—but I need to get my feelings right

If that were the case, I'd have been less surprised. In fact, the answer is a variation on that theme: he's white and has different cultural reference points.

I know, right? I spent all that time asking questions about how he spent his money and how he felt about kids when I should have been asking about the real issues. :)

He wouldn't have known that either. :) I didn't realize he had never seen A Different World.

I said something about Cree Summer to my husband a couple weeks ago and he had no idea who I was talking about. It was one of those "I should have made a syllabus before entering into this marriage" moments.

I met her at a wedding once. I think I might have been the only other person of color on the guest list, and the only one who knew who she was. She's even prettier in person.

See, that's why I haven't tried it. I have tried to like Cohen brothers stuff and it never goes well.

I've heard he was amazing in the second season of Fargo, which is the only thing that has ever tempted me to watch that show.

Yes, yes he was.

I was so happy to see Rocky Carroll in that Henrietta Lacks movie. I clearly watch the wrong movies because I haven't seen him in a while.

Can I nominate Keith David?