Janelle S

How he could possibly fix his mouth to say the mic had problems is a sign of how deep his delusion goes. That man is ill.

That claim that he was bullied is insanity given how much talk time he had all night. Holt let him run his mouth throughout the entire thing, and they want to claim he was "bullied".

Prepared is not his routine. He gets more points when he plays off the cuff, so he was going with his strength.

But when Holt pointed this out last night, Trump assured us that it did work, and was constitutional! Who to believe?

I prefer to think that he was letting Trump dig himself a nice little hole to crawl into.

Prison reform was part of Obama's platform way back when he was coming up in Illinois. It got waylaid when his administration inherited the Wall Street disaster of '08. I'd like to think she'll be picking up the ball and running with it now that it has more visibility and energy behind it.

One of the problems with third-party votes has to do with how the Electoral College is set up. Remember that the popular vote doesn't decide the presidency. The members of the Electoral College are the ones who actually determine the president. In winner-take-all states, where the candidate with the majority/plurality

Ah, he got his dig in resurrecting the "super predator" comment.

Lester was going to let him hang himself.

Uh. We've had conversations about sugar babies, and you're surprised by this?

Wow. So glad I got out when I did then.

The museum's Instagram was amazing all weekend long.

I'm at an age where my first email address was issued to me in college. I've been part of online communities in some fashion or another for over 20 years; one community I've been part of for more than 11 years alone. I call them "my imaginary friends".

Opposite for me. Earlier this week, I made reference to Spuds MacKenzie to one of my former co-workers (she's all of 25). She could Google what that was, but of course, it doesn't give her the frame of reference culturally.

He's still trying to get those fools to hold hearings on his Supreme Court nominee.

Thank you for confirming.

I don't know anything about this Skip guy. Is it normal that I want to punch him in the throat?

Little Chrissy Seaver's voice breaking has me feeling one way, and the joke on Ruffalo another.

If they don't, someone should tell 'em.

False. You can't melt those things. The best you can do is hope to soften it up enough to swallow it whole.