Janelle S

That's what sadness and hate tastes like.

They're both gross.

Oh, he knows he's not touching 'em. He buys it for me. :)

My husband buys me a 5 lb bag every fall. (He might buy more than one.)

I'm with you. (So long as we're talking about Brach's. Can't truck with those fake corns.)

Blacks are also the first to lose jobs when the economy turns, the achievement gap persists, and receive poorer healthcare on average than others. The deck is stacked against success.

I laughed.

The payout comes from the department? Any time I've read on this—admittedly not that often—the payout comes from the local civil government. There are arguments that if it came out of the departmental budget, police might actually take this stuff seriously.

Fair, but I'm pretty confident that Hamilton is popular enough to compete. I'm going to guess more people have listened to the cast recording in the last year than saw Jupiter Ascending in the theater.


There was more than one. But you could still count them on one hand.

The Hunger Games thing was readers completely missing that the character was black in the first place. The Harry Potter mess was a character who had no explicit race being made black. Different types of outrage.

Nope on #1. That's just asking for Michael Vick stereotypes to be applied across the board. #notyourshield

People want to talk about how catty women get. Shoooot. Bitchiness knows no gender.

It's not even that I expect them to be MLK. Not everyone is out here looking to get tossed in jail on the regular.

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.

Because you're 13 and make questionable life choices?

She's saving the show. I watch Suits for two things: Jessica's wardrobe and Aloma Wright.

I said this elsewhere on the innanet today, but Colin Powell is my favorite GOP representative. His commitment to respectability politics is the only thing I can't get down with, but I respect it.

I think part of it is how she phrased this whole thing. Did she really overpromise tickets? Because she goes directly from "he hasn't been in touch for two weeks, I've had enough" to "umm… I need to uninvite you from this event". Is she uninviting him because she really did promise the ticket to some family member? Or