Janelle S

On the flip side: new bra day ought to be a holiday.

How's that? We started taking our daughter to the zoo around 2 or 3. She has always loved it. What reason do you think people need to go to the zoo?

It's a little too close to "massa" for me. I don't love it.

I have a first cousin who asked me how we were kin on Facebook. (To be fair, I haven't been in the same room as him in 30 years, so there's that.)

Nah on #6. Southern folks of all stripes love a dusty scented candle collection.

It's not a thing at all. We good.

Does that imply that the black woman isn't asking for spreadsheets and a 5 year plan from the white guy? It's only black dudes who gets asked to prove they have their act together?
I truly don't know. I think there *are* women who are looking for someone who can prove that he is heading somewhere, but a lot of women

That's the thing that gets me: having kids while you're trying to get your act together. I mean, I get it: life happens. Things happen when you're not ready. But how much grinding can you do when you have a child to take care of? Or is this how kids get left?

"Its not that important in our community until we are older therefore…that ish can wait."
But some of those same folks have children. So is the takeaway that marriage can wait, but kids can't?

Okay, is this a thing that parents do? Because I might have given my dad the "I thought we were friends" look when he pulled this on me.


I like being married. To my husband, at least. I do think I'm hard to live with, and my husband is a saint for putting up with all my foolishness. Not that he's perfect, but his brand of nonsense co-exists peacefully with mine.

" I don’t want to learn, I don’t want to teach, I don’t want to compromise, meet people halfway, to hurt, to forgive, to make space, to give space, to love, to lose, to reclaim, growing, regressing, progressing, decaying, wash, rinse repeat until the wheel lands on ‘free spin’ or one of us dies."

Same experience. NEVER AGAIN.

Only some Popeye's. The Popeye's here in Chicago are a disgrace to the name.

After a tragic childhood encounter with a beet, I refused to even think about them for the next 30 years. I tried them again last year, thinking maybe I had grown.
Nope. Beets can stay over there.

Y'all looking for more?
I made it through 4 episodes of DD before I told my husband he could finish without me. I think I lasted half way through Jessica Jones before tapping out. I've been reading comics for 20 years, and these shows do nothing for me.

Ladies, raise your hands if you bathed with your little brother as a child.
*raised hand*
The penis is not what makes it uncomfortable. It's the socialization that you bring into the bathroom with you.

Who's suffering?
I hated showering in school, too. Right up until I realized we ALL hated showering and no one was trying to look at anyone else because we all had our heads up our own asses.
I can't be the only one who realized that one.

Here's the thing: if you are fully clothed when you come in, and fully clothed when you go out, how would I know what kind of genitalia you have? It makes no difference to me.
You do you, I will do me, and we will all wash our hands on the way out.