Janelle S

I don't mess with Jimmy Kimmel's thing since it came out that many of the mean tweets are made up.

I think they were active participants in this idea. Whether that sways you or not is another matter.

Some young woman came out with a book about them before I got married 10 years ago. (It was a terrible book; the author was writing mostly out of personal experience.)

I brought my now husband to my 5 year college reunion. We lost count of how many people asked him if he had also gone to my alma mater. He started feeling self-conscious about it. It's a somewhat incestuous sort of crowd, though.

Every single time, I think to myself, "Why do I not watch more soccer?" Every. Single. Time.

Starter marriages are a thing. One of many reasons I told my husband I wasn't interested in marriage. (Then he dropped that ultimatum and here we are. Every anniversary, I tell him that I blame him for this nonsense.)

+1 Soccer. It gets you the international men, too. The hotness quotient of futbol is 10 on a 7 pt scale.

These folks out here saying, "oh, but what about the 14 year olds in a 25 year old's body!"

"Then no, having a Black wife and biracial son does not put you on the list of people where its okay to make a colored people time joke in front of a bunch of White people."
Shit. I guess I need to have a conversation with my husband this evening.

I would say GG lost it's way when Rory went to college. Lorelai and Rory became insufferable long before ASP torched it behind her.

Fast & Furious is a hugely successful action franchise with a diverse cast. Where are the copycats?

Except that argument doesn't carry through. Fast & Furious is a hugely successful action franchise. No copycats there. Female-led action movies can be successful, but each time it happens, it's a huge surprise. Women can be funny, and the same thing.

That's my husband. He has to keep the facial hair so I don't feel like I'm robbing the cradle.

My co-workers play a game they call Wiki Roulette.
One person picks a subject. The other person picks another subject. They then dive into Wikipedia to see who can get from Subject A to Subject B in the fewest clicks.
Highly recommend for slow work days.

Maaan, we are leaving Chicago for the east coast in the next couple of months and same day delivery (which I have never used deliberately) is one of those things I'm sad we're going to be giving up.

I was only mad they didn't follow it up with a little two minute scene at the end.

Yup. Twenty years in Arizona have left their mark.

My mom was a Trump supporter until he started showing out last fall. I'm so glad she cut it off. I can put up with most of her conservative shenanigans but Trump was a bridge too far.