Janelle S

I just can't with parents who turn a blind eye to that kind of stuff with their kids. If you know, if you suspect, protect your kids.

I have been a long-time supporter of Chicago Children's Advocacy Center (which does amazing work with child abuse victims and I'm happy to chat about it at length), and even I struggle with what to say to my seven year old.

Man… an acquaintance of mine discovered that her 4 year old daughter was sexually assaulted at daycare. By a 10 year old boy at the same daycare. And as outraged as I was for her and her daughter, I wanted to cry for the boy, too. He himself was a victim of abuse by his mother's boyfriend. This boy has been failed

Allowing a benefit of a doubt. I'm feeling generous.

I feel like people are content to skim the Bill of Rights and miss those first five words. The state of modern civics education in the US is alarming.

Did you want me to comment on your impulse to go straight for the ad hominem instead of engaging the actual points in the article? I could do that, but it's too late and life is too short.

Hm. New here, are ya? VSB doesn't need this piece to generate traffic.

She found herself in a bit of trouble a year or so ago asking for kudos for not profiling two young men in her business.…

Umm… I'm impressed you stayed with him that long if he smelled like that. I could not do it.

And not one that involves quizzing her to see if she's really down. If she bought a ticket to the con, she's down enough.

Addendum to #5: Guys. I'm married to a gamer. He achieved his dream of attending E3 at least once, he goes to CES almost every year, he stood in Times Square to buy a Nintendo Wii at midnight when they went on sale. (Okay, ignore that last one, that's not the point…)

He's already put two liberals on the bench. Choosing a moderate because he got a late third shot does not seem a detriment to his legacy. His legacy is that he inherited a s h i t show and kept the country from total economic collapse.

Honestly, I cannot say. I was with my husband and 6yo and in the early stages of morning sickness. I couldn't quite manage any night life. :)

Man, the Taste is a sad shadow of what it used to be.

I almost said yes, but I remembered that I took Portuguese before going to Portugal.
Apropos, Iceland is amazing. *Everyone* speaks English and the country is gorgeous.

This is interesting.
My dad moved out when I was 8. We moved back in together when I was 13. And then he left for good when I did (me for college, him for a job in another state). As the oldest, I knew him best. My brother can count the number of years he lived with my dad on two hands, and doesn't need all his

And he's quit that job how many times since then? I'm not sure hanging on to that job at the plant is really evidence of doing right by his kids.

*three kids :)

"University of Phoenix Twitter".
Nope. Done. DUN.

Right. At least Saldana is black. Emma is no parts Asian.