Janelle S

Of course they can have a mind of their own. Stacey Dash got herself a piece of the night, too.

I think you're misunderstanding me. I don't teach her that she's anything except beautiful and funny and clever and big-hearted. Her racial identity is up to her. She's too young to decide one way or the other at the moment.*

Oh, she has her own hype machine. LOL She's great, though.

Victoria Rowell's daughter, too.

I have a girlfriend who is 2nd generation Japanese-American and she has to remind her (white) husband that their children are half-Asian. He literally checks the "Caucasian" box and keeps going. Blindness to Asians as POC is a thing.

Sure. She loves touching my hair, and we talk about how her curls are different than mine. And it's not like she hasn't met my dad or anyone from that side of the family. She's heard Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, and the O'Jays. But I don't assign a race identity to her. She can choose what she wants. At this age,

Meanwhile, a week or two ago, my child asked me if I disliked her because she's white. I asked her why she asked. She said because "[I] am African-American." I told her no, and I just need her to put her shoes away when she comes in the house.

You have me laughing over here.

I agree that more things can succeed than what is currently offered, but I do wonder if the degree of Otherness of anime and K dramas helps those shows in this respect. We know they aren't made for us. Homegrown African American shows don't have that. They are still rooted in the US gaze, enough that it's not as

I agree that there need to be more creators of color, but that's only half the job. Thousands of creators of color are already out there, writing, directing, sound editing, acting, etc. every day, and have been for years. The fact that the Academy wants to play like none of that work in all this time has ever been

Korean dramas are a different thing, though, because they're made in Korea for Korean audiences. They aren't trying to appeal to the white or Western gaze. They're comfortable pretending that open-eyed, closed-lipped, stiff-armed kiss is what passion looks like. Dramas just happen to be popular over here as an aside.

You put the ticket in the LLC's name, so it's not your name splashed all over the papers. They can get fussy about it, but I think, legally, you're in the clear to ask for them not to publicize your name as the winner.
Basically, if you win, the ticket needs to go in a safety deposit box until you get yourself a lawyer

I love my husband. He makes me laugh, he is smart, thoughtful, generous, all that stuff you want in a partner. We are co-dependent in ways that are possibly unhealthy.
But my best friend is my girl and my soul mate (such as it is). I can call her up and start singing some Whitney Houston song and she will sing

Man, they left I don't know how messages about that before they just sent us a box. Free o charge.

I think the clone troopers were clones (obviously), but the Empire has long since run out of clones enough to staff the army, so they're now using regular folks.

Mellody is flawless. I luh her.

Hey, neighbor!

We go to church. In theory, I agree with not indoctrinating the young, but I'm a realist: my daughter gets indoctrinated in ALLLLLL my nonsense. She has a liberal, feminist mother who tells bad jokes about white folks (her dad and his family) and supports gay marriage. She already gets all of that. She'll survive

I'm conflicted. As a mixed girl, I want to say I have an afro. Not a "kinda" fro. Not a "oh, it's too humid" fro. Nope. I have that kinky, "don't come at me with your white girl comb" fro. And, it's alllllll mine.