Janelle S

Fingers crossed for #blackllama. That's still my favorite, even with #racetogether and #ThanksgivingwithBlackfamilies happening this year.

I don't get my brows done (because mine are barely there to begin with), but new bra day? I walk around with my girls sticking out like I'm the prow of a ship.

I'm pulling for Hamilton to win Best Musical Theater, and that's all I have. I may have just learned that The Weeknd is not Vampire Weekend in the last month, not that I have ever heard anything by either.

My husband, who I love dearly and is smart, funny, supportive, and makes me feel amazing, puts a twist on this: he will share things *for* me.

She looks like a lady with something to say. :) Congratulations, and welcome to this side of it.

Post-script: It was good for the first three seasons, and then everyone's schtick got tiresome and grating.

If you come to Chicago, asking about where to get chicken, and the person doesn't say Harold's, stop asking that person for food recommendations immediately.

I had been seeing the man who would become my husband for all of three months when we reached our first holiday season. I went out with the fam for the big dinner, and when everyone got up to take the group photo, I sat off to the side. I was with him for fun and not looking for something long-term.
To this day (14

You heard about that guy who *admitted* to sexually abusing a girl over 600 times and his entire town is still all "she's just making it up for the attention"?
People want to believe what they want to believe.

+1 for Eric and Tami

How many videos have we seen before, and what has changed? More anger? More outrage? How much more outraged can we get? When will it amount to anything? If you haven't been galvanized to act by now, another video won't change it.

But the relationship doesn't have to.

Sure, but I would argue that you spend about as much time with your spouse as you do your child. No one argues that you shouldn't get married just because one or both of you has to go to work.

We had our girl in an in-home for the first few years. Daycare was the same as our mortgage. Bless the woman because she could have charged much more for being a licensed provider.

We have exactly the same amount of parenting experience. I don't try to play expert at any of it. He changed diapers, stayed home with her when she was sick, makes lunches, all of it.

Shoot. My daughter started first grade this year. My husband was busy with plans for what he was going to do with all this "new money" we were going to have now that we didn't have to pay for full-time care.

He's mad that she's *behind* him, so he cannot shame her and have his goons rush her out the building.

I hate that question because I always felt that it wasn't a problem on my side. I didn't date but one black guy because black dudes weren't looking at me. I wasn't white enough -or- black enough. A little too nerdy. A little too quiet.

Let's just talk about the last three/four months of pregnancy. All that heartburn and needing to eat, but having a stomach the size of a walnut because *somebody's* taking up all this room in your abdomen. That same someone who's trying out their Kid and Play moves on your bladder. Then to come through with FAKE ASS

"Motherhood makes women petty."
You know what…