Are you ready for some FOOTBALL? Are you ready for a PARTY?
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL? Are you ready for a PARTY?
Draft notes:
The DMCA can be legally used to protect your company from copyright infringement, not from third-party derivative or transformative works which include your content, which fall under fair use.
Pewdiepie is a racist but abusers of the DMCA should fuck off.
“Jesus was a white man, too. He was a historical figure. That’s a verifiable fact—as is Santa.”
“people need to learn what the Confederate flag really stands for it doesn’t stand for slavery”
I absolutely and vehemently disagree.
You’re right, they probably only think it looks like ass because they’ve seen a video game that’s been made in the past seventeen years.
Uhhh it looks terrible. Period.
That isn’t how any of this works... This is bad. Accounting for studio size it is bad. Even taking it as stylized it’s bad. If you want to see an example of stylized design done correctly look no further than Dragon Quest XI, or just look at the work of any number of random freelance artists. And as far as animation…
Actually, it kind of was. It’s obviously dated now, but at the time, Shenmue had some of the best graphics on the market, and its attention to detail is still impressive compared to a lot of modern games. Compare the Dreamcast games to something like Deus Ex 1 or even some early PS2 titles and it’s like night and day.
The ass in that trailer is all in those models. They look like they’re about 15 years old. That’s fine if that’s what they’re going for, but clearly the graphics that aren’t the characters are worlds better. Honestly, this almost smacks of, “Oh shit we don’t have anything to show,” and they took the assets they had…
Every single expression? Nah.
Fucking moron.
Nope. I bet it’s Bruce’s long lost brother from Snyder and Capullo’s first Batman story - The Court of Owls.
Was someone arrested for something they said? No? Then no ones freedom of speech was violated in any way.
True, history has definitely not let Nazis and Confederates have an opportunity to make their point peacefully and fully.
On the other hand fuck this racist piece of shit. And fuck you too.
Why would I try either when I have a real live moron right here?
And everyone’s mind was blown. And asked, “How could this have happened?”. And scratched their head at the sheer random nature of humanity, for if one could not predict this, what other surprises and horrors awaited us in the coming days?