So, they put her on speaker and made a video of the conversation. They intentionally mumbled the word “consensual” in a blatant attempt to trick her into saying something exculpatory. Bros over hos, AMIRITE?
So, they put her on speaker and made a video of the conversation. They intentionally mumbled the word “consensual” in a blatant attempt to trick her into saying something exculpatory. Bros over hos, AMIRITE?
I don’t get guys who know their roomate has violently raped someone (and heard rumours it’s multiple women) and thinks “well what about his future?”
“What he did, obviously from what you explained, is terrible,” the fraternity member told her, “but I do want you to think about what the consequences [are] with him and his future. …”
So what re: any of that. Even the disney radio station you listen to has its fair share of artists with mental health and drug problems. Art is pain; even if it’s the shitty stuff you like.
In a vanishingly rare bit of good news this week, a federal judge has permanently blocked portions of an…
I had the same thoughts, but someone pointed out that he’s hamming it up for the camera and that’s when she seems “honey I love you but”
I almost threw something last night. The Netherlands girl finished her beam routine and started working in a notebook and the commenter was like, writing in her diary. And Nastia immediately corrected him, “she’s calculating her starting value to make sure she gets the full credit.” And then later they showed her with…
I think we can all agree that at best NBC commentators are useless and at worst they’re just so abhorrent. Sometimes, the “commentary” makes it hard to watch the games.
Yes absolutely of course talk about her not beaming in joy in the stands, let’s ignore the fact that on the day of qualifications for all-around, she immediately hugged Aly and Simone and said “I’m not disappointed at all” and said the exact same to the press afterwards, despite the fact that the freaking NBC…
I have sent now a grand total of 7 tweets in my whole life, but this is now one of them.
I can’t believe she is only 30. I feel like I have been hearing about her shenanigans for eons.
Martha uses a Sharpie to turn the soles of her Louboutins black. THIS AGGRESSION WILL NOT STAND.
It’s pretty telling that you can’t separate the art from the artist. It’s also amusing how you don’t seem to understand anything about the music of these artists, their contributions or their place in history, eschewing all of that to make...I guess misguided is the word I’m looking for....misguided points.
Kurt Cobain* was clean when he committed suicide. Not that I’d expect research from a millennial.
Yeah, take THAT, guy who killed himself. Maybe this internet comment will inspire other suicidal people to just put on a smile
according to wikipedia, "the term generally includes people born in the 1960s through the early '80s, usually no later than 1982. "
Technically you'd qualify as Gen Y.
Hey, at least you have Justin Beiber Norwood. ;P GEN X RULES! :D
Boomers caused both bubbles. They are the ones controlling the money supply and the interest rates and they are the ones that decided that investments should be made into various industries. And they are the ones that will soon retire and have the power to suck this country dry.
The soldiers who went to war in the Middle East from 1992-2008 absolutely were Gen Xers. Only in the last two years or so have any Millennials been old enough. (Going with the 1990+ birth range; definitions vary, but that's the one I've always used.)