I'm going to take academic discourse out of context to accuse "the left" of something ridiculous - and vague!
I'm going to take academic discourse out of context to accuse "the left" of something ridiculous - and vague!
The misogynist shithead didn't suggest dialogue in the memo - it was just "women suck at coding so google shouldn't hire them". Did you not read the stupid thing?
No, actually, believing that there is such a thing as "the male or female approach" besides being factually wrong is sexism.
And now the troll is conflating Marxism with feminism! That's the way to prove nothing he has to say should be taken seriously. Plus the idea that fighting back against bigotry is somehow an imaginary obsession with identity - no, dear, if right-wingers were to stop hating on everyone who is not white, or straight,…
Oh no, college courses are discussing one of the most influential philosophers of all time! How awful! And I'm going to pretend that academic discussions of actual Marxism are somehow equivalent with the red-baiting paranoia of "MARXISM!" where it was the fear of the Soviet Union that (besides not actually being…
" It's objectively true that men and women approach and examine things differently"
When you lie and claim that cultural gender differences are somehow innate, that proves that you are a misogynist. Really, it's simple, I can't believe how many dickweeds like you keep screaching "he just thinks women are naturally inferior to men, how dare you call that sexist!" even though that belief is the very…
If you adore science, then why do you keep repeating disproven pseudoscientific lies?
"LMFAO"? Are you 13 years old?
If you think fearing MARXISM in 20-fucking-17 is a cromulent way to behave, you may be seriously fucking insane.
Considering that Marxists don't exist anymore, that would be kind of hard to do.
It's the "biological differnces" part that decent people take umbrage with; that false belief is the very root of misogyny.
"As to obsessively white-knighting,"
Bullshit. The "science" he refers to has all been proven wrong; in fact he keeps referring to "evolutionary" "psychology", a pseudo-science rejected by actual biologists and psychologists. He might as well point to the Bible to support his crap, that has as much scientific validity.p.
Yeah, no, he keeps wrongfully claiming there are biological differences between the way men and women think; and besides the fact that that false belief always has an implied "and the way men think is better", he keeps constantly saying that those imaginary differences make men better at coding than women.
Read the fucking memo. The whole thing is "women just suck at programming because of 'biology' and so google should never hire women!" The piece of shit damn well deserved to be fired for that.
And then once I give you a direct quote that contradicts your statement, you will deny that it does so and demand a 20-page term paper proving that it contradicts your lies. Asshole, we've actually dealt with trolls just like you before; none of your tactics are original.
I can't believe the number of assholes I've seen scream, "how dare you call me sexist for stating my belief that women are naturally inferior to men, it's my sincere belief so therefore it can't be sexist!!". The same goes for racism as well.
Reade the fucking memo. He claimed that.
The cause is that engineering is filled with misogynistic pieces of shit like you who believe that "inherent differences" make men better engineers than women, even though actual science proves that not to be the case.