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    But he said "I'm not a sexist, but…" right before launching into his sexist diatribe, that makes him not a sexist!

    I still don't see how Charles Murray can claim he's not a racist - or some other people even claim the same of him - when all he does is write books using 19th Century pseudoscience to claim that black people are naturally inferior to white people. That's the very core of racism; but you still have cretins who state

    Those are the exact same thing! And there was a fuckton of "women magically naturally suck at programming, so google shouldn't hire them".

    Thanks, internet, thanks to that you've now created a world now where openly fascist anti-diversity pro-bigotry advocates are an actual thing!

    I absolutely hated it. It didn't help that I went to an all boys private school, and was a nerd who never got invited to parties, so I went through those puberty-crazed years as a straight boy who didn't know a single girl my own age. Then in college, I was an idiot when it came to trying to date because I had the

    What a giant asshole.

    They also lobbied to make it illegal for the government to study gun violence. And it actually worked.

    But hey, they and the rest of the right wing did decide that one police murder was actually bad - but only because it was a white lady killed by a black cop.

    Don't forget that some states are requiring bars to allow guns! Because it's not like that's a complete recipe for disaster.

    It's the worst four years of life - and if someone enjoyed it, I kind of suspect they were one of those giant asshole bullies who made it such a living hell for everyone else.

    Yet they were afraid of tyrannical government taking away their freedom when we had a liberal black President who had nothing but respect for civil liberties - it's almost like they don't know what the word "freedom" even means, and this is actually about maintaining conservative white Christian male supremacy!

    What are the chances that the guy (it's almost certainly a guy) who set this up, if caught, will respond, "It was just a joke! You're not allowed to be offended if it was a joke!"?

    Remember, this country was founded by white people who came over from Britain because they thought the brand of Protestant Christianity practiced was nowhere near oppressive and dehumanizing enough, and after moving to America and seeing it was already inhabited, immediately begun slaughtering the natives who they

    Should I be glad to have no idea what that is?

    I like how they're now running ads claiming that Black Lives Matter is actually secretly a group dedicated to murdering white people, and so all white folks need more guns to protect themselves from the dangerous black menace. Besides being super-racist, that doesn't seem likely to inspire more white supremacist

    Reading? We don't cotton to those 'litists who do that book learnin' in these here parts.

    The pharmacy; it's an ad for Oxycontin and other opioids.

    Unfortunately, Walmart can very easily afford all the bad publicity it constantly generates, thanks to the large number of small communities where they've driven all other retailers out of business so the people have no other place to go.

    I like the irony of a deranged obsessive creep who obsessively spends all their time stalking and insulting random strangers on the internet, to the point where they keep creating new sockpuppet accounts, calling anyone else "a fat ugly nobody in front of a computer alone". The projection is strong with these

    So two different psychotic losers creating multiple sockpuppets; that's lovely.