North Korea can annihilate the South with purely conventional forces right now, and if we were to bomb them as you are advocating, they would do so.
North Korea can annihilate the South with purely conventional forces right now, and if we were to bomb them as you are advocating, they would do so.
"but apparently “some lawmakers” were upset that the Gipper hadn’t received such a high honor himself."
You fucking monster. You want to egg on North Korea to kill tens of millions of South Koreans? Fuck you.
The continued lack of discipline at the White House is certainly proof that someone is in way over his head, but that someone is not Priebus. Here's a clue: he's the world's dumbest man, has no relevant experience to politics, and in fact has never worked a day in his life, he's a confessed serial assaulter, and has…
At least the South Koreans are relaying all their very serious concerns to our ambassador - oh wait Donald doesn't care about Korea and hasn't named one of those even as he's egging on the North to bomb them.
Sure, North Korea could destroy Seoul with conventional weapons, even before we get to the nukes, but those tens of millions of dead people wouldn't be Americans, so they don't count! Sadly too many Americans actually believe this. And these folks are too ignorant to know how many American soldiers are just below…
It's almost like that was just a show trying to make it look like Donald was capable of acting against Russian interests and not the Putin puppet he is.
While the then-Major put in charge of the coverup was later named Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff by George H. W. Bush, and Secretary of State by his son.
Make sure all the reporters are constantly with military minders so all they get to see is pro-war propaganda!
Especially now that he proved that he's completely unreachable with that utter nonsense lie about the Nazis.
Yeah; while in most areas of actual policy, Trump is bad in ways that basically any other Republican conservative enough to win the GOP nomination for President would be - and possibly, because he's so inept that he can't get any legislation passed, not as bad in that area - his utter lack of self-control and…
I just wonder, is our troll so stupid he actually believes that threatening North Korea instead of negotiation will actually somehow make using a nuke less likely, or such a dedicated cultist that he reflexively defends anything the lunatic Donald does, no matter how deranged and dangerous?
His avenue is to openly antagonize and threaten North Korea, and make it a hell of a lot more likely that they will use a nuke.
You too, CBS executives behind the new Star Trek.
Your question was, "you failed history class in school, didn't you?", which was a rhetorical device, which you completely undermined by then making a preposterous claim that is completely the opposite of actual reality - trying to claim that the far right Adolph Hitler really had more in common with my party, the…
Well you know he hasn't read the books, because little Donnie never learned to read.
And cut off the money, cancelling the deal and giving North Korea the go-ahead to develop nukes, which they did.
This liar actually just tried to claim that Hitler was really somehow a liberal, so they are too far gone for rational thought.
Oh my, we're dealing with a right-winger so completely dishonest he's actually trying to claim that the most infamous far-right figure in history was really somehow liberal! Thanks for revealing yourself to be a constant liar who has zero credibility on anything.
Yes, I have - it was doing much better than for the previous eight years.