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    And you actually believe that making Time Lord gender meaningless is somehow a bad thing, therefore proving your protests that you're not sexist to be completely false!

    Exactly, which is great!

    That's bullshit, women and men are psychologically interchangeable, our brains work exactly the same. We're raised to act differently, but that is purely cultural, not innate.

    Nope, sorry but the sexism is very real, and the use of the phrase "identity politics" proves it. The topic is that a bunch of whiny little man-children are screeching "No girls allowed!" just like they did with the Ghostbusters remake and at the same time keep yelling "and don't you dare call us misogynist just

    You don't need to be sexist to not be down with this decision, but it helps! And use of the bullshit phrase "identity politics", yet another term used by bigots as insult against opponents of bigotry, kind of cements just what this new troll is.

    And now we've got one spooging all over this thread, insisting that a woman Doctor will destroy the show while claiming it's totally unfair to rightfully call them misogynist, and it's a low-comment account which I don't believe I've ever seen here before.

    The character's name is 'The Doctor', not 'Doctor Who', that's what's wrong with it!

    Ashton Kutcher AND Chicken Soup for the Soul? That's two things no one has cared about since the 1990s, and which we were all better off ignoring the way they deserve.

    Football also has Joe Buck.

    How much money is Andy Lack going to keep costing NBC & MSNBC before the even higher executives finally replace him with someone who doesn't keep trying to turn them into Fox News Lite?

    I'm shocked there haven't been many of them yet; we certainly got a lot of infestations of the crying manchildren super angry over the lady Ghostbusters back then.

    There was a second one? And were these forgotten sequels to the 60s original or the 90s remake?

    There was also marrying a gross old man when she was in her early 20s.

    By purchasing looted ancient relics and completely destroying their value, all to try and create a "museum" to telling lies about history.

    Truly yours is a butt that won't quit.

    One-hit wonder with a stage name stolen from the best Star Trek captain of all but misspelled is desperate to become relevant again.

    And every one of those things is actually true of Donald Trump.

    Look, Barack Obama may seem to be an incredibly intelligent and talented man, but he's black, and certain people will always presume all black people must be ridiculously stupid no matter how much proof otherwise is staring them right in the face.

    Though this was 1982, so this is Spielberg, the young guy who made Jaws and Close Encounters but still has yet to make ET and cement his reputation.

    But I hated nightclubs and far preferred bars, where drink prices are reasonable and there's not shitty techno music blaring constantly, even when I was a wee little college kid. Clubs suck. And their prices are so ridiculous that only spoiled trust fund babies can actually afford to go to them regularly.