Joaquin Moraga

Welp, this has inspired me to go eat the fuck out of some St. Louis-style pizza for lunch. Provel and cracker crust, FTW!

Disliking cilantro is a sign of a weak mind and a deeply flawed moral character.

But you live so close to Berkeley with its Cheese Board! I live 400 miles away in LA, and it's worth the drive up there just for the pizza.

Gotta love the rude staff that loses their shit when their place gets crowded.

I love Jon Stewart, but the man can't even digest dairy. Why should we trust him to tell us about pizza?

Yeah, not sure what the heck they're talking about either. Unless they mean California Pizza Kitchen, which is like a fancy Domino's that sells wontons too and has nothing to do with California or pizza.

I live in CA and I've never heard of "California pizza". Is that just pizza made in California? We tend to just make knockoffs of places that are actually known for their pizza. I LEARNED IT FROM YOU, DAD!!!

What the actual screaming disjointed fuck is happening here, and can someone please make it stop.


I would love to see a "Jersey Shore Babies" show starring this kid and Snooki's offspring, set in the Brick Chuck E. Cheese.

"Smush child" has got to be the grossest phrase ever coined. Well done.

Gay, straight, bi, asexual, etc. don't we all just want to be as happy as the older couple in the Swiffer commercial? Whether alone, married, in a committed relationship or surrounded by 100 cats, that's the kind of giddy joy I aim for.

Waaaaay back in high school, I had a buddy whose older brother was a limo driver in our city. Sandra was in town filming Making Sandwiches (96?). He said he was always instructed to never chat up any clients unless they initiated.

He was basically assigned to be her driver and he said she was the nicest person ever.

French... Countryside... Hedgehogs... Idyllic Explosion!!!!!!!!!

We have wild hedgehogs here in France, and I delight every time I see them buffling and hustling along towards some hedgie destination. We usually end up stopping the car in the middle of the road, hazard lights flashing, at least twice per season to pull them from the road. They have a bad habit of getting flattened

I don't know, it's a family member, he probably has reservations about that

Burns is so mad at Reilly, he might Sioux.