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    I stopped, but I do not feel like collaborating with or listening to this man.

    Probably starring Tim Allen

    When you get punched in the face for grabbing a sign that’s not yours, that’s hard times, daddeh!” -- Dusty Rhodes, probably

    Nobody did. Liberals banned straws, according to right-wing twitter.

    About 10 years ago I was prescribed Cipro for epididymitis. Yeah, the benefit outweighed the 2 weeks of no caffeine and weird dreams, but I’m never taking that stuff again if I can help it

    Not surprised, but we’ve apparently learned nothing from the Joe Lieberman fiasco of 2006.

    Yeah but he WORE A TAN SUIT ONCE

    “Yeah, but her emails!” - Trump’s cult

    It’ll happen on Sunday morning during Press the Meat. Chuck Todd will say something mildly complimentary about Pruitt, so 45 will have to do something to be on the opposite side of one of Todd’s opinions.

    You, sir, win the internet.

    I want to start a GoFundMe to send the “Here Comes the Pizza” guy to go to ESPN headquarters and throw pizza at whoever made this decision

    My favorite part of the fallout has been all of the Trump-esque (Trumpian?) comments of “This is why the Drafthouse is going to fail,” nevermind that the Drafthouse is open in 10 states now.

    Yeah it sucks that Booker voted against this amendment, but let’s not forget the overall bill is designed to kill the ACA. I don’t want to fall into the “yeah, but see? Dems are just as bad!” trap on this one.

    The GOP themselves are the death panels they all warned us about.

    With friends like these, who needs enemies?

    I hope this is the last time we let returnofkings.com run for president. I might be asking too much from the knuckle-dragging republicans, but please let this be the last time?