
People who complain about their perceived notion of being silenced always disingenuously refer to their 1st Amendment right to free speech; conveniently overlooking the fact that the government is not silencing them, or that they haven’t been silenced. They said what they wanted, but no like the response- which would

Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii. She is a military vet, very progressive, and no sell out. Look her up.

Man Bernie must be doing something right. Every damn day you guys are going after him with steak knives and pitchforks. The amount of petulant insistence of making Bernie to be a racist non-progressive is laughable considering the man has a 93% match for Clinton’s voting record. But keep posting, at least it keeps his

Because it’s fucking annoying as hell to see children throwing hissy baby fits over slight miswordings and doing the same shit everyone did a year ago, splitting hairs over minor things in the face of a big fucking problem.

News flash kid, we’re fighting an uphill battle. Good for you that you can sit around and play

All evidence points to the DNC putting every finger they could on the scale to push Hillary. All evidence points to Bernie doing better in a match up against Trump. Personally I think O’Malley, Webb, Chafee, or Lessig would have beaten Trump, but nobody bothered to poll that, so therefore no evidence.

I think all those are good ideas and it shouldn’t be too hard to make them work if you’re willing to cut money the US spends on imperialism.

It’s the people who are Hillary’s followers who seem to be setting the agenda so how exactly am I supposed to be responsible for the woman’s unwillingness to leave the fucking spotlight?

We could have had President Bernie if the DNC establishment hadn’t cheated every way it could.

it’s funny; what Trump is spending on military budget increases could have paid for ample student loan forgiveness and universal healthcare, so what you’re saying - that there’s “no idea how to make it work or how to pay for it” - isn’t true, when even Trump is apparently able to scrounge up funds to boost the

I’m not making any assumptions about you per se, you’re no different than all the other people who come at me for not daring to give a fuck about Hillary fucking let’s use NY as a goddamn stepping stone to the presidency Clinton whilst bitching about Bernie 25/8,

“Bernie is currently more popular with blacks, latinos, and women than he is with whites or men.”

You seem to be using a completely different barometer to do your measuring. You ignore the shit that Hillary said (and didn’t apoogize for) whilst bending over backwards to find racist meaning in something Bernie Sanders said.

Peole voted for him because he wasn’t beholden to the whimsy of the DNC’s corporate overlords.

I’d go further and call this cynical. I think the author understands that there is a very good chance, and its very reasonable to expect, that this was just poor phrasing. There’s this wing of “liberal” (read: not liberal in the slightest) thought that seeks to cut everyone and any one down and decry them as the enemy

Lol. Bernie is the one who doesn’t toss out helping black and brown people. It’s the corrupt-wing of democrats who literally take our votes for granted while helping no one but their Big Money donors.

Anne, this is horrible gaslighting by yourself. You should be fired for just being dumb and incompetent. For real. Horrible take. I’m embarrassed for you.

Hmm... (looks at skin color.)

What a load of disingenuous purposeful skewing, & pack of sactimony to distort the reality. He was walking the walk then and now.

Basically, one is a set of unique concerns stemming from Trump’s white nationalist, patriarchal, traditionalist advocacy and the other is a set of concerns that affect all of us more broadly.

It’s also a neat monetary fact that, if you start with a penny and double it every day for an entire month, at the end of the month Sarah Huckabee Sanders will still be a total asshole.