Jaye Tyler

Better grain and bear it.

I never realized how badly I needed to hear a J-Pop version of the Frasier theme song until tonight.

Their complete opposite levels of appreciation for order and procedure was the one thing that had me worried for their success as a couple. I definitely thought the show was going to go the "ooh this becomes a multi-episode bone of contention and reason for fighting" route, but I'm really glad they went this (much

Yes to all of this. Andy Samberg has non-creepy sincerity down pat. I may have a little crush on him too so definitely not mad about seeing him in more rom-com fare.

It did make me wonder what sort of mystical contouring makeup they must be using. I don't think anyone's face can look that un-pregnant when they're clearly that pregnant.

“C-. The perfect grade. You pass, but you're still hot."

I actually thought the point of the Schmidt-Nick plot was that Nick's management instincts were more or less right and that he needs to stand up to Schmidt's more overbearing tendencies if this business is gonna work. Still, definitely predictable and more than a little cringe-inducing.

Did anyone else think the bar stuff was hard to watch? Just too much trainwreck, not enough humor/learning.

"Furguson, clear my schedule. I need a word with your sister."
:slow side-eye:

More Winston-Jess plotlines forever, please. Best comedic pairing on their show - their earnestness and guilelessness creates a positive feedback loop of hilarity.


What was she saying? Also, unless she improvised, that's pretty cool that they took the time to write jokes in Hindi.

I'm shipping Winston x Winston pretty hard myself at this point. More Winnie = more win

"Stop being so mean to me or I swear to God I'm gonna fall in love with you! … where're you going, come back!"

I may have lost my shit at Winnie the Bish's reactions to his own flashback pranks. I think I hit 5 rewinds before moving on. What a champ.

I was thinking more of Sweet Dee in the earlier seasons.

More like… gastrognome, am I right?? Because, you know, he's short.

It was almost more far-fetched to me that Charles, gastronome that he is, has never once been to Paris.

… It's Always Sunny, but nice?

As soon as Charles mentioned the nickname, I knew they were going to toss that line to Holt. And I relished the anticipation, and was not disappointed.