Jaye Tyler

"And what you're asking me now, disastrous now
Hoping and hoping and hoping
The feeling goes away…"

She's definitely growing on me. I want to find out what makes her massively fucked up. You know, besides improv.

I was having South Park flashbacks

Okay, I'm pretty sure that horror house would've triggered my PTSD, and I've spent most of my life in a cozy bubble of Midwestern privilege. I feel like Edgar wouldn't have made it that far or have been cogent enough to have sex in the middle of that nightmare.

Edam it, this pun chain is getting pretty emmental.

Is she… a mouse?! That'd brie a little on the nose (whisker?), though.

This, and the way she was more or less self-importantly laughing to herself through Gretchen's whole tirade, while everyone else is clearly concerned for her.

But it's really easy to binge-watch, as the episodes are so short. I didn't get into this show until after season 1 was already done, and when I did start watching it, I made it through the first four episodes before I realized the first couple were a bit shaky. But at that point I was invested enough, and after one

Sunday Funday… with the mice of Gretchen's depression marching ominously through the background.

Every time Jimmy looks sad, worried, or hurt, I die a little. Given that his face is about as contorted as my natural resting face when he makes these expressions, this is no mean feat. What is it about assholes that makes them so damn appealing when they stop being assholes long enough to let a sliver of empathy poke

Not sure if Mindy Project episode or car commercial

As an impressionable teen, my takeaway from Rory's unimpressive character development post season 3: liking boys makes you do dumb shit, and if you do enough dumb shit, you'll eventually just be the queen of dumb life choices.

Lol @ off lims. I guess I just expected the "frat-bro" thing to expand into how he treats women, given that it does in many TV depictions of that demo, and that his rage at Jimmy was more out of drunken hyper-masculine territorialism than actual feelings.

True… but he asked first! Consent and everything haha

It did seem like enough paraphernalia to furnish illicit activities.

See, I thought the joke was that he got an 800 on his verbal or his math, or both, and that Honey Nutz didn't want it getting out that he was actually a lyrical genius.

Did anyone else see a stack of social security cards in that safe, or was it just one and I'm blind and Vernon isn't secretly running a prescription drug ring out of his man-cave?

Right?! It has to be going somewhere because these are good writers and this is a good show, but it's really hard for me to see either of these characters making progress right now, so I have no idea what path they'll end up taking. Hard to think of the last time I watched something I couldn't at all predict from

I have this vision of Jimmy being awake when Gretchen scoots off next episode and saying something incredibly crass, like "Might want to remove your mascara before you go sorrow-binging" or something. And I will be cross, but I can't be disappointed, because that's his character. Sigh.

Was I the only one surprised that Vernon refused to take a hookup opportunity that was basically being thrown in his face? I feel like he didn't notice Lindsay was high out of her mind, so I can't pin it on not taking advantage… he just straight up loves his wife. Huh. Fancy that.