
A man.
I come from a good family and am the family slut. Take it from me sluts always pay one way or another. My payment is shame and regrets at the top of the list.
I like how slut shaming is not tolerated these day
I don't recommend the practice of slutism.

I realize it was your personal impression, I come from a good place.
I haven't watched the walking dead. I thought someday during a severe tv drought but I will stop if i don't like it at anytime.

I believe he was a Priest..probably the second son of a wealthy New Orleans family. He went out west as a missionary, tended to Native Americans. Fell in love or lust with someone who has ties to a werewolf then had a crisis of faith (of course). Then went all wild west, got a job in the Wild Bill Show.
The way he

Chandler must be an ex-priest…he probably had trouble with the whole abstinence thing.

I missed the undead elk and ravens escorting Bran and company. I liked how Bran has moved forward and it gives me hope he will be able to manipulate some of the future action from the North.

I said to my husband "I hope I live long enough to see the end of this story" my husband laughed…I told him I wasn't joking! anyway I am looking forward to drunk Tyrion on the river and all the major player's journey towards the dragons.