I hate on Tebow as much as everyone else...but it’s pretty fucking crazy that he took 10 years off from baseball, only played in high school, and is now hitting .330 in Single A and can hit home runs and shit.
I hate on Tebow as much as everyone else...but it’s pretty fucking crazy that he took 10 years off from baseball, only played in high school, and is now hitting .330 in Single A and can hit home runs and shit.
crazy thing is that he’s actually gonna earn that next promotion
He’s great at putting up numbers. But it’s hard to say he didn’t hold back Durant’s abilities, let alone the Thunder in general with his play after watching this season play out.
Did you watch Durant play with the Warriors this year? It was incredible how devastating he was when he could reliably get the ball in places…
Newsflash to the people of and around New York:
This is a very important comment. You also have just helped me understand something that will help me in my personal life. Thank you.
He’s trying to gaslight the fuck out of her and her mom both - but he’s also torquing her arm hard. By making her relive the traumatic experience, twisted to sound like she wanted what he did to her, he’s saying look what I’ll do to you if you don’t stay quiet - even your mother will doubt you - this is just a taste…
You try making a snake mascot costume that isn’t just a giant phallic symbol...
This is what the NBA deserves. When LeBron colluded to go to Miami to make a super team what did we think was going to happen? The talent isn’t fairly distributed, the salary cap has done nothing to ensure that it is, and so you end up with this.
My hazy revisionist memory seems to conjure up six titles won on buzzer beaters by MJ and Steve Kerr. As great as the Bulls were it never felt like a lock. It was exciting!
“The Golden State Warriors have reached rare air indeed: They’re too good to watch.”
Great, just what this country needs. More division.
Fast-walking Suspect Unable to Keep Pants Up Decides to Get Into Gun Battle and Loses Badly. You won’t believe what happened next.