
Inside, I’m a 12 year old boy and I love that picture. It makes me giggle.

Boy. He’s sure butthurt about getting shut down for not answering the goddamn question. Here’s a tip, dumbass: when someone asks for an explanation and you start talking about anything else? We all fucking know you are full of shit. So please, stop wasting our time just cause you think you’ll win the dick measuring

Waters: “Why didn’t you bother responding to our letter?”

Mario did Mooch on The View this morning and ACED IT!

what about law enforcement over the last say 50 years has given you the idea that they would be anything other than jumping for joy when told by the President that he wants them to fuck up more black and brown people. question is where are the supposed good cops who put their hands up and said, that is not okay. In

The only acceptable expression for them to be wearing at this moment

Poor, poor Priebus, sold his soul and then the check bounced. Always verify a DTrump check is good, my man.

Rancid Penis was always my go to

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald is about a freak storm wrecking a ship and killing a bunch of working-class sailors. So, more like what the GOP was trying to do with healthcare.

Paul Ryan’s too stupid to get the irony that he quoted a Canadian singer-songwriter who, by virtue of his citizenship, has universal health care.

That simply would not fold adequately for the task at hand.

“The swamp will not defeat him,” he said, breaking into the third person. “They’re trying to resist me, but it’s not going to work.”

Ugh. I will never get the image of Stev Bannon attempting to suck his own cock out of my head. Probably happened here.

You guys ever read an interview with someone and say to yourself at the end: “Holy shit that guy was on a lot of cocaine.”?

“Anthony Scaramucci, a finance bro who is now, for no apparent reason, paid to represent the White House and president of the United States of America, used the word “cock” exactly three times—and “fuck” a total of six times—in a rather incredible rant to The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza on Wednesday night.”

Do you know ANYONE that was pulled over 52 times for legit purposes and kept their license? <- ANSWER THAT QUESTION before you reply to me...if your answer is yes, I’ll back down. Most likely the answer is no. No one gets pulled over that many times for actual reasons and keeps their license. Phillando was targeted

Why assume no one knows a word just because you had to look it up?

Wait so having a broken tail light is a fucking DEATH SENTENCE now? are you joking?

Then why didn’t that same lawyer say the same thing about Philando Castile? He’s the same guy, had both cases. Didn’t say that shit about him. The message is pretty clear once you know he represented both families. Wish Splinter would have mentioned that.