
The fit of Rihanna’s dress bothers me so much

John McCain leaving his deathbed to vote on a bill that would conceivably put millions of citizens on deathbeds of their own, is particularly galling Especially this is all to enable the agenda of Trump; a guy who dodged the draft, yet was fine to mock McCain’s service.

The problem is that they didn’t actually want to repeal it. They just wanted to stick it to the left. Unfortunately for them they’re now realizing that means doing something with policy consequences.

This is fucking pathetic. How do these assholes find the door to get out of the house in the morning?

If you KNOW you have an STI, and you don’t disclose that to your partners, then FUCK YOU. I’d sue, too. Doesn’t matter how serious the disease is or how treatable.

That woman had beautiful eyebrows... Until Obamacare took them and grafted them onto an illegal immigrant.

Maybe the Hair and Makeup person could also do something about all the brown on Scaramucci’s nose.

I think Republicans failing to repeal the ACA is about as close as we can hope to come to getting a win the next few years, unfortunately.

Per that top pic- why is Jeff Sessions always so red-faced and flushed looking? It’s as if the Keebler Elves made scotch instead of cookies.

“This is a very strange and unbeknownst allegation to us...”

What I will say is anyone who is involved with Mr. Kelly is free to come and go and communicate and eat and sleep when and where and how they please.

I thought we covered that on “insane whiteboy shit”

i like this take

It’s not about leading voters to the Democratic side - the Republican nominee for President has won the popular vote only once in the last quarter century (Bush in 2004).

I loved Delta’s response: OK, fine you grumpy bitch. We’ll give you a refund. Here is the $30 you paid for the exit row. Now GTFO.

Its been a good week between this and Ann Coulter getting treated like crap on her Delta Airlines flight. Its the little things...

Seriously. Megan lost that crucial 60-110 year old demographic when she left Fox News.

Judge Kara Brown, ladies and gents.

“Mommy, look I’m in the big-boy truck!”