
Everything he does makes perfect sense when viewed through the lens that he literally thinks he is the only person in the world. Everything revolves around making sure other people know how much power he has, how much money he (allegedly) has, how many ‘hot’ young wives he can have and are appropriately awed by him.

Because evangelism is basically white supremacy+gospel of wealth

Hi, I think I might be able to shed some light on this perplexing dilemma that you describe..

Sure, smegma-head.

Trump’s tax returns probably won’t show income or loans from Russia; it’s dirty money in cash or laundered through the Bank of Cyprus. This will take sophisticated forensic accounting. Meanwhile cherchez la fille: Ivanka is most likely the family bag man.

I’m good with not knowing.

Janeway has the best eyerolls of any Starfleet captain.

He really is a dumb piece of shit who sucks at everything.

He has a degree in economics. How the fuck has he never heard of ‘priming the pump’?

On her 90th birthday, we asked my grandmother what the greatest invention was in her lifetime. Without a moment of hesitation, she said: “birth control.”

God wtf. He really is a narcissist of the highest order. Just because he hasn’t heard something he assumes everyone hasn’t. Like the whole Frederick Douglas debacle. This man is 70 fucking years old and he hasn’t heard priming the pump? For fuck sakes. Shows he doesn’t read for shit.

This cracks me up:

Jason Chaffetz can eat every bag of dicks. He might be the biggest douchewizard in Washington.

One day, the kids will see the movie and ask, “Did it really happen like that?” And we will shake our heads sadly and explain that, no, it was so much stupider.

This wasn’t about any injustice visited upon Hillary Clinton or Huma Abedin. This is clearly about the Trumps being under investigation - and we know that because Donald Trump bothered to say Comey told him he’s not under investigation and he lies, and because Comey can’t ethically correct the lie.

I want to see Comey’s emails now. It’s only fucking fair.*

Is Jared Kushner going to be FBI director now?

I have no love for Comey but trump firing the head of the FBI while being investigated by the FBI is very troubling. I believe the last president who did this was Nixon so...