
Just commented at a one of the paranoids.  Like they arent already monitored a thousand different ways and do nothing about it.

This was a long walk but I starred you for the effort to get there.

The way to stem a possible civil war is to reprogram Grampa’s TV so that he can’t access Fox News.

Oh fuck off. I’ve never watched GOT but I’ve seen him in plenty of other roles and he’s a phenomenal actor. I do know that like it or not that show wouldn’t have been NEARLY the success it was during its run without his charming ass in it. So that’s literally the only GOT Emmy I’m OK with.

Look, we get it, he doesn’t

You should care about 5G if you intend on using your phone for longer than a year or two.... Wait, that’s right, the battery ain’t going to last that long anyways.

Apple is a company that people who love the environment love to talk about using, they’re also hugely responsible for the idea of yearly “generations” of technology fueling one of the worst environmentally impactful cycles ever introduced by humankind. Thank you Apple for making yearly E-waste of toxic and precious

Let’s talk about prioritizing white birth. Just take a moment to enter the mind of a white supremacist...

Something something bad apples something...

But sadly not the rating of “mythical creatures who would fuck you”. #ConsentMatters

My wife swears she saw one once on vacation, but I was not there so I can’t confirm it.

What color was her skin? Asking for a racist.

A grown man attacks a 13 year old boy and cops are like “Well I don’t see a crime here.”

We gotta start calling these people what they are: child-killers. They would rather have a dead child than one who has autism or some other (almost certainly fictional) “vaccine injury”.

I think it’s her complete lack of concern for the guy she just drilled in the face that really caps it.

How odd that reviews of a food product would focus on its flavor, eh?

Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.

The difference is that she is getting paid to be inconvenienced while everyone else paid for the pleasure.

If you don’t want to deal with annoyed customers, don’t take a job where your primary duty is dealing with customers in an industry where they are often annoyed.

No, this is like going to your job as a flight attendant, being delayed - as is common in your job, and dealing with people making shit jokes as part of your job. Because it’s your job.

The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.

“Master Race ” genes at their finest....