“Pro-life" only refers to white fetuses.
“Pro-life" only refers to white fetuses.
If you begin a sentence with ‘I hope this doesn’t offend you’, then you probably shouldn’t keep going. I didn’t think this needed to be explained, yet here we are.
I’m so scared for her. The dudes who pull shit like this to begin with? They don’t get better when they get angry.
Too much punctuation, not enough misspelling.
“Fake news. I read on Breitbart that the caddy is a liberal, Trump-hating plant put in place at the club by the DNC. He changed the ball out without the President’s knowledge then leaked it to the press to make him look bad. No obstruction. No collusion. Build the wall. #MAGA”
As a cis, white, hetero man in the Bible/Rust Belt, this term is perfect and I may need to use it soon.
I’ve tried looking into whether HOAs actually increase property values before but could not find any studies (in the first couple of pages of a google search). The only thing I found is that they actually lower property values because up to 40% of potential buyers refuse to look at houses in an HOA, thereby lowering…
I can’t believe more black people aren’t moving there. Less than an hour drive from Atlanta, but with (I assume) lower taxes and cost of living?! Black people, gentrify Hoschton!
Yet another case of a white man not being able to mind his own goddamn business and then acting the fool when he’s not obeyed; only this one isn’t in uniform.
Three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and discharging a firearm in public and his bail is only $35k (why wasn’t he remanded?)? Oh, Florida.
I’m not THAT much better than that, let’s be honest.
Cant take jalopnik serious anymore when it comes to CVTs. Get over it, they arent going away and they arent that bad in fact I think they are great and Subaru has the best CVTs in the business.
4) Self-driving robot cars, funded by the momentum and potential of the human-powered service, effectively eliminate 3+ million transport jobs and allowing Lyft, Uber, and Google to ultimately realize their profitable dreams. The technology is similarly ported into public transportation for a better experience and…
I’m not a courtroom lawyer but I’m 99% sure cops don’t have the jurisdiction to make sure someone is a really a lawyer in court. That’s the court’s job and only the court’s job. The cop is there for security and to bring criminal defendants in and out of custody. This cop should 100% be fired but I’m sure he won’t be.
I saw this on Baltimore news last night. Same headline, lawyering while black. I can’t wait to hear the excuses already in the making to explain how this wasn’t racial profiling (“when I stopped him, I smelled marijuana, so it seemed suspicious.” “His tail light was broken”, “we verify and double check every lawyer…
Finding out Keanu Reeves is a genuinely nice guy makes the world seem slightly less shitty.
I make one substantial “Apple” purchase about every other year.
when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty
I don’t think it’s acquiescing at all: white nationalism falls under both racist and white supremacist ideology. It’s a specific set of beliefs and core issues (another example: Neo Confederates, who are also racists and white supremacists, also has a specific set of core issues).