“I hate that the media is tying Trump into this because the guy... [EXPLICITLY REFERENCED DONALD TRUMP AS A SYMBOL OF ‘RENEWED WHITE IDENTITY’]”
“I hate that the media is tying Trump into this because the guy... [EXPLICITLY REFERENCED DONALD TRUMP AS A SYMBOL OF ‘RENEWED WHITE IDENTITY’]”
Just look at these softies:
Could this shitheel possibly believe that the police, military, and bikers are three groups that DON’t play it tough? They almost exclusively traffic in intimidation.
If you are playing something called Offroad Wood Transport Truck Driver 2018, you have issues that go beyond malware.
This was a very enjoyable read. Every part of it. Remind me who the snowflakes are supposed to be?
When $500k is B league the rest of us normies are well and truly fucked.
That’s the ‘right’ way to bribe your kid into college. Even the guy who did the scam with the celebrities admitted to it
So, since Lori Loughlin is involved, is it fair to say that this scandal is everywhere you look?
Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.
His face just screams, “I’ll rob your house and upper decker the toilet before I leave.”
While I haven’t read every single US vs Huawei article, all the articles I happen to read which were US based, actually never stated any facts to Huawei being a spy. Most of what I read seems to be vastly suspicion and never really mentioned a security threat. I am just really curious what the US has against them.…
Going from a Freedom-having ‘Murican to a piece of fucking garbage in a holding cell is an incredibly sobering experience.
45 percent of U.S. residents have had a close family member jailed or imprisoned for one night or more
Found him
I’ve got my money on an alternate theory: he stole the money long before and the wrong someone found out... and then tracked him down in India.
Is Fiji the place to consider for such schemes? Asking for a friend.
I’ve made my peace with it.
The flip phone wasn’t a fad. It was the most sensible approach to the cellphone tech that existed at the time.
If they perfected the tech, you could have a phone that was both as small as a iPhone 7 and as large as a small tablet when opened.
Serious question. Why do I need/want a foldable phone?