
If that kid’s legs could reach just a little further, it would be Pee-Pee Pants City there real quick.

Why are we paying each of these clowns $174,000 to pray? This is Congress, not the Vatican.

Let’s forget the cheap goal for a minute and focus on the crowd (or lack thereof).


Wait...his name is “Brock”? Jail time. Right now. How did his dad not see this coming when he named him that?

This article is taking me back to 1998.

How does total cars per brand play into this?

...floor mats might come loose and get stuck on the accelerator pedal, leading to unintended speed, a crash into a brick wall (?), a giant BLAMMO appearing over your face (?), and inevitable fiery death (?).

To Albert’s point, you’re predictions for Bush & Obama are 1-for-2.

Amazon, our future selves thank you.

That’s Elle King...but that doesn’t make Trainor any more or less a waste of carbon.

Well in that case I could see you as a marketer for someone. Your descriptor reminds me of a persuasive ad for a product pitch.

Well in that case I could see you as a marketer for someone. Your descriptor reminds me of a persuasive ad for a

I don’t think you are a marketer for Corkpops, but wow that reads like a marketer for Corkpops.

I don’t think you are a marketer for Corkpops, but wow that reads like a marketer for Corkpops.

If we could just go ahead and hand out those specially designed Police cruisers that - crazily enough - look like police cruisers and not some souped up personal Camaro, that would be great.

Since her first question revolved around the teen’s virginity status, I bet she was trying to volley herself a decent segue into a rant about abstinence.

I use to think Professional Wrestling was ridiculous because of how obviously fake it was...but now I see it was just ahead of the curve.

AMEN! Declarative emails lacking a well-defined goal are just words from people who like to hear themselves speak.

Maybe the players are required to where shiny Patriot-branded name tags. Ya know...just in case.

Blue and white is nice, but I think Orange is more his color.
