
As a 2nd semester 2L, I know that a reasonably prudent person would give this a +1

My theory is that Chinese people are also small, and thus require less food and have amassed vast swaths of wheat over the years, leading the society at large to have the cash to pay transfer fees.

It’s always dangerous to pass to the sweeper.

You consent to it when you get your driver’s license.

Yep. Was part of a Supreme Court decision earlier this year, in fact.

The Arizona legislature has come to regret hiring Dan Cortese to draft the state’s criminal code in the late ‘90s.

“Super Extreme DUI”should only be invoked when Red Bull or Four Loko is involved.

Its the Just World Fallacy and a cognitive negativity bias. Look them up. They basically explain the entire GOP establishment.

What I hate is that with terrible behaviour behind the wheel, destroying someone elses vehicle and then running off, Kang is just re-enforcing into the negative stereotypes people have about Pirates.

Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.


Oh, come on. My crippling alcoholism is a fine religion, if you ask me.

Title Nein

If praise were the only thing they showered at Penn State, this wouldn’t be an issue.

As a white man, Spades just sounds like a more complicated and more intense version of Euchre, which all white children are required by law to learn if they live in the Dutch or Scandinavian parts of the Midwest.

Look, soccer is just too boring for a guy who has spent 5 hours a day for 30 years debating middle reliever usage in regular season baseball games.

It has nothing to do with the interference call. Look at that girl’s reaction. I know a sidepiece when I see one.

But nothing tops this baseball possibility:

Bad opinion.

Please become interested in baseball. It’s very important to me that you find baseball interesting.